Tomato Marmalade
A marmalade made out of tomatoes to use in starters, salads and more...
- 1 Big Pot
- 1 Small Pot
- 6 Tomatoes
- 6 tbsp Honey
- Carve the tomatoes on the to in an cross shape (X) about 1 cm deep
- Add water in the big pot & set it on high heat. By the time it starts to boil you are ready. We don't want to boil them, just to soften the skin so that it can be removed easily.
- Remove the tomatoes from the water and let them cool down 5 min .
- Peal off the skin. You can do it by hand or with the use of knife.
- Remove the seeds and the inner part of the tomato. We only need the outer part.
- Add the pealed and cleaned tomatoes to the small pot and add 6 tbsp of honey in and cook for 30min to 45 min in medium heat. Check in regular intervals that the tomato is soft and sweet. IF yes remove and let it cool down. IF not cook for longer & if needed ad some more honey, (some tomatoes are more acidic than others )
- When they are warm place them in a cutting board and fine cut them to a chunky paste. Then put them on the side.
- When fully cooled down. Place it in a jar with a lid or a plastic contained with a lid and store in the fridge.
A nice sweet that you can use in starters like cheese, onion and tomato marmalade, or salads replacing the fig and sun dried tomatoes.