Please Note: A lot of this has been mapped out with my low level character so there may be quests I have not yet unlocked due to level. I will continue to update this as I get more information or if you find something just tag me an ill add it an update the guide.
I will update this as time goes on an try to keep it current again there are some quests that may still need to be unlocked but this should be helpful in getting a lot of it done. Note that the information goes along with the quest so you still need to READ THE QUEST itself an the following will fill in the blanks that the quest does not tell you.
Special Thanks to the following in the creation of this project:
Tothmonra | Kozsimo | Brokensaftey | Zarlemagne | Zomega | Orphangs | Reynald | Pichael | Wurmcoil | Majorzero | FixxerTV
Quest Giver: Mid Boss Uggnob
Location: Next to flight point
Quest Chasin Da Runnas
Ambassador hrynnar on the right side of the room with 2 guards. Quest turns in Runna Boss Vrum He is near the mailbox icon on the map center of eight peaks he is a goblin. Has sub quest Chain Da Runnas Part 2 location to do the quest is in the side chamber hall to the right of the central chamber next to the mailbox chasin da runnas part 3 Find bogrit qwikfeetz in da deeps.

Quest Giver: Wrangla Dzina
Location: Down from the flight point on a raised platform.
Quest Wyvern Wranglin
Quest turn in klepnik sureshot he is on the path way that is across from the arena so instead of going down to the arena take the left he is on the bridge next to a ballista/He has Two sub quest wyvern wranglin an Troll Skewerz Sub: quest troll skewerz is right there by where you pick it up just click on the ballista: Warning don’t try this at low lvl you die.

Quest Giver: Masta Wrangla Hootz
Location: Down from the flight point on a raised platform.
Quest: wut’z it ewe stew
Speak with mixa gleeb
Quest: wutz it ewe stew Part 2
Truffles that are found in the night goblin quarters
Quest: wyvern wranglin
Talk to wrangla dzinz located at the flight point that you first arrive at in the city not the upper level

Quest Giver: Fulbix Da Shroomist
Location: Behind huts near flight point by big pot
Quest: Eight Peaks Green Peaks
Nnounca Biv goblin just before Grumlok Next to the pillar Hand o’gork southeast of mail box icon on map he is standing on the wood path/ Has sub quest Gork is hungry Taugrek the throttler black orc he is right across from runna boss vrum in the central chamber of eight peaks the rally master/has a sub quest our place our rulez Borgut Facebeater in big tent hunt to the left of the arena/ Has subquest ready da runts.

Quest Giver: Mixa Gleeb
Location: He is standing in front of big pot center chamber
Quest: wut’z it ew stew

Quest Giver: Mordred Blackspine
Location: In hall to the right of the central chamber of the city get to from hall of Gork and Mork.
Quest: handle with carelessness Part 1
Counta Fita is in the corner of the room where slaves are bought and sold next to a small tower.
Quest: Handle with carelessness part 2
Escort slaves to taskmasta vrok in the stunty tunnelz in da deepz
Quest: Handle with carelessness part 3
Return to mordred blackspine

Quest Giver: Taskmasta Vrok
Quest: Dig til ya drop
Talk to bogrit qwikfeetz an send a message to grottnik in the deeps bogrit qwikfeetz is standing on a large trash pile in the weaponz hall on the left side top of the stairs.
Quest: Dig till yah drop part 2
Obtain mining tools from the forgz press into work nappin deadeye goblins the nappa goblins are along the upper parts of that section of tunnel the first path up on your right there are 4 up there the next 5 are in a small house off to the right further up the tunnel the last one is on the upper level tucked in a corner.
Quest: Dig till yah drop part 3
Go to the fungal brewery in dem dark places an get a barrel of fuzzy fungal brew
/drink with stunty mina
Quest: dig till ya drop Part 4
location in the brewery the barrel is on your left as you go in under a big mushroom you cant miss it
Quest: dig till ya drop Part 5
location stunty tunnelsuse the wip on the miners to make them work. the overseer that you need to whip is in the corner to the right of the taskmaster he is standing next to a big orc.

Quest Giver: Bogrit Qwikfeetz
Quest: Chasin da runnas
Go to the stunty tunnelsz an collect various things to be delivered. Collect rock lobba rocks deliver them to lugnut flinga is in the kataclysm chasm next to rock lober near the bridge going to the rat area. Collect troll dung deliver it to gitslit spleenspit collect shiney rocks deliver it to mast simtha glix.

Quest Giver: Hezgit Toofa
Location: in hall to the right of the central chamber of the city get to from hall of Gork and Mork.
Quest: Gork’ll like it
Loot the treasure piles there scattered around the room so be mindful and look for them.
Quest: Gork’ll like it part 2
Yukko da mad is just around the corner from mordred blackspine. yukko da mad is in the corner on a plateform with a big cookpot in front of him. You can’t miss him, he has all the quest items you will end up needing so I would buy all in one go. Turn the boot in back at Hezgit toofa who is around the corner. Both are goblins hezgit sits in front of the remains of a huge statue.
Quest: Gork’ll like it part 3
Quest go to great bashin pit and steal some red face paint from the bone nose tribe. Its the second hut before you get to the spear chucka it’s in the left corner if your facing the door on the inside meaning you need to face the door and look to your left. There is no actual locator.

Quest Giver: Green Union Boss
Location: on a small platform with other greenskins around him its just outside the shines keepin place on the map.
Quest: Soiled air iffy
Qmark gobbo diggas in the stunty diggin pit. To get to where the quest guys are go to the throne room and looking at the map take the tunnel
on the left, hang a right and then look to your left at the corner you’ll see a small tunnel that goes down to the lower lvl also the way to the lower deeps is down there.
Quest: Soiled air iffy part 2
Quest da deeps go mark the miners there on the way back mark grottniks lt boggrub legbiter. Boggrub legbiter is standing on a deck in the hammerin hall on the right side of that room as you come into it. Has a sub quest.

Quest Giver: Boggrub Legbiter
Quest: wut wuz yers Part 1
Go to the marsh of madness kill pilot thornnidin.

Quest Giver: Drekka Goblobba
Location: North marsh of madness war camp
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 2
Kill fjelig thunderbeard at the specter of battle public quest.
Test fire a cannon.
Fire mortar flare.
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 3
Location barak varr speak with squim
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 4
Kill dwalnir thunderbarrel at the burn rock tower public quest.
Steal a blastin barrel
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 5
Kill Ljelund skyfire.
Steal a crate of gyrocopter parts.
Kill Anvar Steelhammer at the grundadrakk’s.
Turns in at mobash at mobashs place.

Quest Giver: Mobash
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 6
Kill Galen Ironburn.
Kill Drundig Garlesson at the ironrock point.
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 7
Kill long drong the slayer pirate.
Reward legbiter’s boys ring.
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 8
Location black fire pass
Speak with Moogz
Quest Giver: Moogz
Location: Moog’z Brawl blackfire pass
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 9
Kill gruna goldhammer at thardrik’s smashin
Loot Gyrocopter Parts

Quest Giver: Kurbog
Location: Drok’s Fist
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 10
Kill Forgrin Steelforge at the Kolaz umgal public quest.

Quest Giver: Gorthug
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 11
Fire the star shoota near the statue of sigmar in altstadt.
Kill Vorn the faithful in the altstadt.
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 12
Capture flinty copperlock in north blackfire
Quest Giver: Durog Blackteef
Location: Blackteef’s boyz warcamp
Quest: Wut wuz yers Part 13
Capture Master Engineer Samosson
Reward item lvl 36 big loppa of stunty bits
Quest: Wutz wuz years Part 14
Speak with boggrub legbiter in kadrin valley

Quest Giver: Alex von Kilzok
Location: Throne room in karak eight peaks
Quest: Festering Problems
Kill the blighted plaguebeast at the blight favored cult PQ
Quest: Festering Problems Part 2
Kill Nurgle Acolyte
Kill Milikin the Putrefying
Quest: Festering Problems Part 3
Kill Malgroth the torpid
Kill Vlasi Ipatiev
Reward Cloak item lvl 40
Quest: Festering problems
travel to the badlands
kill the pestilent plague beast at the mutant exiles pq

Quest Giver: Vargit Slimefoot
Quest: My Dear Friends
Kill Spatz Crookedfang
Kill Drinda Redmoon
Quest: ready da runts Part 3
location squig nursery standing under the massive squig you can’t miss him.
Speak to kazgi in the temple of mork. Kazgi is standing in front of the big head in the temple of Mork.
Quest: ready da runts Part 4
Location temple of mork to pick up quest but you go find Quest: ready da runts Part 3
location squig nursery standing under the massive squig you can’t miss him.
Speak to kazgi in the temple of mork. Kazgi is standing in front of the big head in the temple of
Quest: ready da runts Part 4
Location temple of mork to pick up quest but you go find borgut facebeater
Quest: My dear friendz Part 1
Go to the marsh of madness an look for them there see what there doing
speak with gorglut stuntysplitter

Quest Giver: Frok Slimetoes
Location: In the center chamber in the corner where a bunch of fungus is on a platform by himself
Quest: The spore doesn’t fall far from find the master
Squid herder vargit slimefoot he is in the da deeps very back of the squig pens can’t miss him
as he is standing under the skin of a giant squig.

Quest Giver: Occulant of Tzeentch
Quest: tendrils of change Part 1
Cut off the head of an orc at the da great bashin pit take it to the temple of gork the body is on the south side of the arena to the left of turguk bonepicka.
Quest: tendrils of change Part 2
Shake the orc skull for gork below the left flame
Shake the orc skull for da waaagh
Lay the head on the skull pile

Quest Giver: Grazlug da Wanderer
Quest: tendrils of change Part 3
The fall of the dawi zharr the book is right next to grazlug

Quest Giver: Mixa Zegrub
Location: In the middle of da ungry troll in the da deepz
Quest: Gud Eatz
Travel to multi locations a lot of running around lol. Slimer’s glob at the squiq nursery barrel for it is right next to the guy in the tent. Squig shanks at the squig nursery right next to the barrel that is for the other part of the quest. Caveshroom stew at the fungal brewery its to the left of the quest giver there masta mixa merrix Frenzy Brew barrel is to the left of where you get the caveshroom stew. Broken nose juicez is in the hammerin halls by the piller in the northwest corner the rat slop is right next to it.
Quest: Gud Eatz
Wyvern drops its to the left of mixa zegrub wiggly troll guts is on the platform next to mixa zegrub
Quest: Dat’s Sum Grub
Cut meat from a fallen spiky boy
Cut meat from a fallen pointy ears
Cut meat from a fallen lizzie

Quest Giver: Targut Spinebreaka
Quest: blood sport
Go to the great bashin pit try to get fighters to come down to the deeps.

Quest Giver: Ikspit da runt
Location: In the night goblin section he is right between a group of shrooms he is not marked with a quest icon!
Quest: it aint easy bein a runt Part 1
Go talk to masta smitha glix

Quest Giver: Masta Smitha Glix
Quest: it aint easy bein a runt Part 2
Black burni rock from da weaponz hall
cut off some stunty hair from the slop wench
gahter some iron ore from dem stunty tunnelz
gather a chewed up stick from the beastie penz
quest go back to ikspit da run thats the little guy in the night goblin area between the shrooms
quest it aint easy bein a runt ends.

Quest Giver: Butcha Gleek
Quest: da slow uns
Kill slow un squigs

Quest Giver: Masta Mixa Merrix
Location: Down from the flight point on a raised platform.
Quest: propa shroom frenzy Part 1
Harvest furfoot shrooms from rat ridge
Harvest orcrot shrooms from rat ridge take the right side bridge on the map that’s where these are at there blue in color cant miss them.
Harvest bonescraper shroom from rat ridge
Quest: propa shroom frenzy part 2
Take the dead ead flux an pour it on the sleeping git outside

Quest Giver: Morglum Necksnapper
Location: Ratbreaka Stand
Quest: not one step back Part 1
Go to the longfall stairs talk to skullbasha ulrag an fugbit
If your looking at the map then these two guys are to the right an left of the bridges your looking
at before you cross the bridges there are a set of gold looking doors fugbit is on your left the
other guy is across the way from there behind another set of doors.
Quest: not one step back Part 2
speak with lugnut flinga
retrieve spear chukka spears spears are hard to see but there on the bridges you kinda have to
mouse over them there so small
Quest: Not one step back Part 3
/talk necksnappa big uns
speak with the boom lad
inspect the boom barrel
Quest: not one step back Part 3
speeak to kwartermasta zinky nosehairz
He is in the bottom level of the fortress there in ratbreak stand
Quest: not one step back Part 6
Go speak to kaltu da runtboss
location just as you head for the center bridge at ratbreaka stand he is on a platform facing it you can’t miss him.
Quest: Not one step back part 9
Location in the skaven area back of the left tunnel
Speak with oglok the orrible

Quest Giver: Kwartermasta Zinky Nosehairz
Quest: not one step back Part 4
Speak with masta smitha glix standing on a platform over looking the forgez cant miss him
either jump to click on him or go around to the sphere an jump up that way.
speak with taskmasta vrok is located in the stunty tunnelz nect to a hanging cage an table in
front of him.
Speak with grazlug da wandere great green hall once your inside the great green hall hang a
left an go to the dirt mound follow the wood pathway up an you’ll go right to him.
speak with gutrot da savaga he is the big orc on the way down to the arena you pass him on
the bridge.
Quest: Not one step back Part 5
Go speak to morglum necksnapper
Quest: not one step back Part 8
Speak with vargit slimefoot
Speak with gitslit spleenspit
Bash bouncin barrels an knock the creatures inside unconsious location of the barrels to the right of the quest giver on the inside of the keep there you cant miss them but do not try it as a low level creatures are min 20.

Quest Giver: Klatu da runtboss
Quest: not one step back Part 7
Inspect empty alarm cages
speak with kwartermasta zinky nosehairz

Quest Giver: Oglok the Orrible
Location: In the back of the main rat hall area northwest corner
Quest: Not One Step Back Part 10
Speak with urk da stuntystompa
Quest: Not One Step Back Part 12
Speak with morglum necksnappa
Quest Giver: Ukr da Stuntystomper
Quest: not one step back Part 9
location hammerin hall of the da depps an speak with broken nose mid boss an wake up sleeping borken nose location of mid boss he is in the middle of the room standing on logs cant miss him
part 10 see Oglok the orrible
Quest: Not One Step Back Part 11
Speak with broken tooth choppas
Quest: All talk no aktion
Call out borgut facebeater
Borgut facebeater
He is in the hut that is above the arena
Quest: Broken tooths bashin skulls journey to mount blood horn:
kill brozarg
kill bitzit
kill gruglok
kill krogaz
Quest: Broken tooths bashin skulls Part 2
Kill Dagesh Dreadbelch at the broketoof camp pq He spawns at the tower there in the pq
Kill Friznik Fizzlefang
Kill Hikkup da Loudest
Kill Greeze Rustnailz

Quest Giver: Igrik da Blasta
Quest: Rat trapz
collect a boom barrel in the stunty caves
Quest: rat trapz
Plant the blastin barrel by the skaven gate
Location to drop the barrel is to the left of the gate just stand an click on the quest item in your

Quest Giver: Grottnik
Location: da deeps an slap gitslit spleenspit
Quest: ready da runts
Quest: Need A Gud Whippin
Speak with Gitilla da hunta

Quest Giver: Gitilla da Hunta
Quest: Need A Gud Whippin Part 2
Capture station chief coalsteam at grimbeard station
Quest: ready da runts Part 2
Location da beast penz 2 wolf riders behind him on a platform with a banner next to him.
Go to the squig nursery and speak with vargit slimefoot he is at the tent there under the big squig you can’t miss him.

Quest Giver: Gitslit Spleenspit
Location: Poisoned Skulls Hall to the left of the dung pile with red moon above it
Quest: Ready da runts Part 1
Travel to gitilla da hunta leader of the wild wolf riders tribe da howlers
Quest: Night Falls, Moon Rises
Speak with wylan clawfoot he is in da angry troll on the left side on a small outcropping of rocks

Quest Giver: Eggzy Hatcha
Location: In the corner southeast along a ledge behind a big machine in the da beastie penz
Quest: all da pretty beasties Part 1
Go to mount blood horn to steal an egg from a giant lizard one of the broke tooths steal a
dustscale egg from the dustscale lizards
Quest: all da pretty beasties Part 2
Steal a wetfang egg from a wetfang queen
Location barak varr
Quest: all da pretty beasties Part 3
Steal a bloodspeck egg from bloodspeck

Quest Giver: Aekold Helbrass
Location: Raven host command karak eight peaks
Quest: Hunt of the Vlagians
Take the journal of boris bronzeshield its located that the dawi camp in the northeast of the zone.
Quest: Hunt of the Vlagians Part 2
Speak with eeza ugezod
Quest: Hunt of the Vlagians Part 3
Speak to gutted in the deeps
Quest Giver: Eeza Uzezod
Location: North of the fighting area in the city by the upper flight
Quest: Hunt of the Vlagians Part 3
Quest Giver: Wurrzag ud ura zahubu
Quest: little git big waaagh
Speak to gazbag is standing to the right of grumlok in the old throne room.
Speak with kazgi about the ways of the little waaagh
Quest: The once n future git Part 1
speak with wolftoof da howla
location da beastie penz next to a big smoking skull you can’t miss him
Quest Giver: Degrib greenseer
Location: He is standing on a dirt mound in the big boss hall next to a big white skull
Quest: little git big waaagh Part 1
Wurrzag da great green prophent location da great green hall he is standing in the opening of
a busted stone pillar.

Quest Giver: Wolftoof da Howla
Location: Go to mount blood horn speak with screeb in screeb’s stunty killin camp
Quest: The once n future git Part 2
Collect the ironclaw specimen its a pq last guy fight
Collect the broketoof specimen it’s in the shaman hut within the broketoof camp pq

Quest Giver: Brootus Blacktoof
Location: Chapter 4 camp eckrund
Quest: The once n future git Part 3
Location marsh of madness east of the north camp its a mushroom not a skull sits in front of a tree can’t miss it.
Quest: The once n future git Part 4
Kill Surveyor stonebreak
Quest: Where’s da wotnot Part 1
Location Njorinsson Tomb in eckrund.
Quest: Where’s da wotnot Part 2
Kill Friznik Fizzlefang
Quest Giver: Shaman Nrax
Location: Marsh of madness bonerender’s bash
Quest: The once n future git Part 5
Speak to heem he is at mobash camp in north barak varr
Quest Giver: Heem
Location: Mobash place north barak varr
Quest: The once n future git Part 6
Kill morgrund goldrune
Kill Damil Steelshot
Quest: The once n future git part 7
Speak with skogrut at trug’s hut in badlands
Quest Giver: Skogrut
Location: Trug’s Hut
Quest: The once n future git part 8
Speak to hekup red dust camp
Collect blue face specimen its a mushroom up on the hill top above where the oathbearers are
fighting. Turn in black cragg.
Quest Giver: Hekup
Location: Red Dust Camp
Quest: The Once N Future Git Part 9
Collect Red Fang Specimen its located in redmain mine at the back near the skaven tunnel
Quest: The Once N Future Git part 10
Go to thunder mountain and collect moonfang specimen. Its in the cave to the west of the wc there in thunder mountain.
Turn in at keebsta da enforcin git at mudja’s war camp in thunder mountain.
After you complete Once n future git, you get promising find. you speek to heem in greenskin chapter 9 (BV, camp where we had to swim across the lake), and you get the pick you pick it up in the great green hall on the left hand side (forget the dudes name, but you have to go up them wooden bridges)
Quest Giver: Cilset Ebonwind
Quest: travel to the inevitable city speak with morathi
Redrum Throatgrabba
Quest: send in da gobbos
speak with boggrub legbiter
speak with morglum necksnappa
Quest: gud bashers gud ladz
Pay respects at the skulls o respekt is the pile of skulls in front of the stone skulls in the hall of da bestest the skull piles are scattered around ratbreak stands around the fortress. Speak to kohz gutstabba is in the hall of da bestests northeastern corner of the hall of da bestest he is up a ramp at the top of it you cant miss him. klato deadeyez is in the southwestern corner near a skull he is a gobo
Quest: power play part 5
summon ambassador hrynnar
/drink with the uthorin attendant
/toast cilset ebonwind, grumlok, and gazbag
all are located in the throw room.

Quest Giver: Grumlok
Location: Down from the flight point on a raised platform.
Quest: da bloody sun above all
Kohz gutsabba of the gutsabbas northeastern corner of the hall of da bestest he is up a ramp at the top of it you cant miss him.
borgut facebeater of the redeyes is in the hut overlooking the arena gutrot da savage of the bone noses is on the path going down to the arena grottnik of the broken noses morglum necksnapper of the necksnappers urk da stuntystomper of the broken tooths he is in the weaponz hall pats back an forth
between the stairs there.
Gitilla da hunta of the howlers he is on a platform by a flag in the da beastie penz vargit slimefoot of the slimefeetz is standing under the large squig tent in the squig nursery gitslit spleenspit of the poisoned skulls on a platform in the poisoned skulls hall gritskil moonfang of the crooked moon standing in front of a pillar with a flag to the right of him in dem dark places bottom of the map.

Quest Giver: Taugrek the throttler
Location: Down from the flight point on a raised platform.
Quest:our place our rules Part 1
Find the largest git in karak eight peaks who doesn’t blink an eye if the smaller gits start running. Its grumluck in the throne room.
Quest: our place our rulez part 2
Speak to da biggest gift
Its lil’mork in the area north of the fighting pit area top of the city he is the giant.
Quest: our place our rules Part 3
Find something that caused a fight to break out its in the arena area.
Reward renown potions
Quest: our place our rules Part 4
Speak to a gobbo who maybe isn’t so lucky to see the sun It’s the goblins down near the arena standing on top of the dung piles aka the dung cleaners. Reward final renown potion as well as your choice of trophys.
Reward renown potions

Quest Giver: Gngit morkfist
Quest: a hard nut to crack
Go to the bloody sun launcha to speak with lil mork to see if he’ll come down and try to crack the gate open location he is the giant down from the flight guy there by the goblin doom diver if you look down to your left you’ll see him standing there.
Quest Giver: Lil mork
Quest: a hard nut to crack part 2
Go to the shines keepin place talk to mid boss ogreb an obtain stunty beer Mid boss ogkreb is on the platform in front of the old vault.
Quest Giver: Mid boss Ogkreb
Location: Shineys keepin place
Quest: a hard nut to crack part 3
Rile up taskmastas there scattered around the stunty digging pit steal mining tools. The tools on the central platform looks like a weapons rack but its right next to where you go up to talk to the npc there. Check the stunty digging pit
Quest: a hard nut to crack part 4
Speak with lil mork
Quest: a hard nut to crack part 5
Steal a drumstick from a drumma the ones to get are on the path going up from the arena.
Quest: a hard nut to crack part 6
Speak to engit morkfist
Quest: a hard nut to crack part 7
Release stunty minas 12 in the stunty diggin pit.

Quest Giver: Engit Morkfist
Location: Da Great green hall very near the front doors
Quest: A hard nut to crack part 8
Speak with the masta haggle about buying a dwarf. He is standing on the platform there in the
auction area he is one of the auctioneer npcs you cant miss him.
Reward item lvl 31 jewelry
4 different jewels to choose from based on your class you play.

Quest Giver: Kohz Gutstabba
Location: Northeastern hall of da bestest top of a ramp in the corner
go to ratbreak stand in da deeps pay respects to the skulls of respekt speak to klato deadeyes

Quest Giver: Iregarn Sigwald
Location: standing on the right side of the room just after the doors from the hall of da bestest
Quest: some body to love
Issue a new take out order to kron skullsplitter

Quest Giver: Asperon khitain
Location: Uthorin embassy
Quest: Power play Part 1
Go to dresler spineblade in the shinies hall
Quest: power play Part 2
Speak with felissa the bloodied located in the big hosses hall in front of a flag an alter with 6 purple flames burning

Quest Giver: Felissa the bloodied
Quest: Power play part 3
Uthorin Commander in the tent in uthorin embassy
Quest: power play part 4
Speak with feylix snakecoil
obtain a bottle of khitian cordial
give the bottle of khitains cordial to ambassador hrynnar located in the throne room with two guards
Last part turn in cilset ebonwind

Quest Giver: Dresler spineblade
Location: In the shineies hall he is standing behind a big medal leaned up against the wall in the corner you can’t miss it.
Quest: Kisses from khaine
Go to Dresler Spineblade
Quest: Power play Part 2
Purchase ghostcap mushrooms from yukko da mad
purchase cloudspore mushrooms from yukko da mad
Yukko da mad is in the southwestern corner of the shineys hall on a platform behind a big pot.
speak with feylix snakecoil located in the back corner of the uthorin embassy

Quest Giver: Feylix snakecoil
Quest: Power play Part 3
Obtain a bottle of khitain’s cordial is located on the box behind feylix snakecoil its the brown looking urn give the bottle to the off duty uthorin officer located in the tent to the left of the entrance there its the uthorin commander
/toast the off duty uthorin officer
Quest: Skulls of succession
Speak with krib pale eyez – krib pale eyez is in the big bosses hall in the chamber next to the throne room next to a little
pond an a broken dawi statue
Quest: Skulls of succession part 2
Speak with the degrib greenseer next to a big skull next to the door going into the main hall.
Quest: Skulls of succession part 3
kill evert webb at the ironclaw camp pqm
kill lucius richter at the sacred grove pq
Mount blood horn
Quest: skulls of succession Part 4
Location brootus blacktoof in gorgor’s smash
Wants you to go find numnog in barak varr at the camp there

Quest Giver: Numnog
Location: barak varr at the camp
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 5
Kill Iben Burnside
Kill Aldric Burnside
Find zukmat da shorts at foultooth’s warcamp afterward
Quest Giver: Zukmat da shorts
Location: Foultoof’s warcamp
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 6
Kill Theofold Longshot
Kill Brigide Blackbird
Turns in at krazzik da little inside barak varr
Quest Giver: Krazzik da Little
Location: At Malgrog’s Breach
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 7
Kill Loni Runestriker
Kill Keldorn Oakenstaff
Turn in at Litl Bash at mobash’s place
Quest Giver: Litl Bash
Location: Mobash’s Place
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 8
Kill Drulga Ironside
Kill King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk in the when the ship hits the sand pq
Quest: skulls of succession Part 9
Return to karak eight peaks talk to krib pale eyes
Quest Giver: Krib Pale-eyez
Location: Karak eight peaks
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 9
Present the heads to skargaz gutrippa
Reward Bigchoppa of da skull Taker
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 10
Speak to kob at moogz’s brawl in blackfire pass

Quest Giver: Kob
Location: Blackfire pass moogz’s brawl
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 11
Kill Harrek Cloudfire
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 12
Kill Lord Thardrik at the statue of inspiration pq
Quest Giver: Shabazz
Location: Shabazz Drok’s Fist
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 13
Kill Foremen Stonebrow
Kill Prospector Brynnose
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 14
Kill sigmund the prophet in the sigmarite temple pq
Quest Giver: Glutnik
Location: Da Big Burn
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 15
Kill Dorn Steelhammer
Kill Holden Blackfire
Quest Giver: Krib Pale – Eyes
Location: Just to the west of the throne room karak eight peak
Quest: Skulls of succession Part 16
Present the dwarf an human heads to skargaz gutrippa
Quest Giver: Kron skullsplitter
Location: Shineys hall just before you hit the big doors he will be on your left
Quest: Some body to love
Collect the report from the oculant of tzeentch located in the corner of the big bosses hall right next to the orc ror painting on the walls
Quest: Some body to love part 2
Issue a take out order to wylan clawfoot in da deepz he is located in da ungry troll area he is over on a small cliff on the right side of the cave you go
across a bridge to get at him
Quest: Some body to love part 3
speak with izsa herrenclaw located dem dark places standing next to a statue base and a dead dawi to the left of that.
Quest: Some body to love part 4
speak with iregarn sigwald
Quest: Night Falls, Moon Rises Part 3
Go to the riekland an seek out corvin the black. He is in heinrich valley south end of it.

Quest Giver: Skywatcha bolgruk
Quest: Fresh rekrootz
speak with boggrub legbiter he is standing on a platform in front of a hut in the hammerin hall
speak with gitslit spleenspit
Quest Giver: Alex von kilzok
Quest: Festering problems
travel to the badlands
kill the pestilent plague beast at the mutant exiles pq

Quest Giver: Gorglut Stuntysplitter
Location: Marsh of madness in a small wood hut just to the west of the camp
Quest: My dear friendz Part 2
Kill shifty mooneyez
Quest Giver: mBashin pit boss
Quest: da arena callz
rile up goblin spectators
/yell at da champ
Quest Giver: Nnounca bigz
Quest: A gud show
Go to da hall of da bestest an try to convince durkol eye gouger to fight speak with drukol eye gouger
Quest: A gud show part 2
Travel to da deeps an find something worthy of an immortal to eat and drink
obtain a boar shank is off dead pigs which are under a tent in the beastie penz
obtain a keg of fungal brew
follow up go back an speak to nnounca bigz

Quest Giver: Brukka da flaya
Location: He is in the throne room on right side between some bone spikes
Quest: It aint bad in da gudlands
Travel to blackfire pass go to hindenburg into the mines, get a skaven bomb, also go to badlands and defeat thane grofsson at fireforge camp to get a rare boom stick. Once done take the items to skabgul.
Quest: It aint bad in da gudlands part 2
Use the goblin engineerin bomb at the goblin artillery range
Slay 50 enemy players at karagaz
Reward your choice of item level 16 gems
Quest Giver: Wylan Clawfoot
Location: Da Ungry troll
Quest: Night Falls, Moon Rises Part 2
Obtain a flagon of blood wind from uthorin embassy Its in the uthorin commanders tent behind him on top of a pile of boxes.
Speak with kron skullsplitter

Quest Giver: Corvin The Black
Location: South end of Heinrich Valley surrounded by wolves.
Quest: Night Falls Moon Rises Part 4
Poison the Deathclaw Offering Is in a bag across from raven landing the viking ship on the map sitting by a tree stump you can’t miss it.
Hidden Quests
Torch quest
wut’s down dere location kataclysm chasm
Reward are gems 16 24 an 32
Dead horse in da beastie pens
Quest: Dead beastie
Deliver the greyish meat and try to find the right buyer for your meaty find.
Queen of the Silver Depths
How to start:
Click on the stone at the rear of the hut that is just inside K8P main doors.
Valaya’s runestone-teleport to da deepz 2H cd
Main K8P Area:
1st Plaque clue- Before the mines a miner stands, look with his eye to see the way
Around the corner from the entrance to the stunty pit, next to a door 24.5k, 32.8k
2nd plaque clue_ our journey to kvinn wyr follows the south-west course
Stunty pit next to the sw tunnel entrance 20k,43k
Da deepz
3rd plaque clue if i’m to travel the tunnels it is best
Temple of mork nw of alter on the edge of a step 23.5k,35k
4th plaque clue now dwarfs from all clans are being…..
Hammerin Hall western side, next to the door 16.5k,31k
5th plaque clue I must continue my push south to kvynn-wyr….
Poisoned skulls hall at the end of se room, behind a moon guard 31.4k,48.9k
5th plaque clue i must make haste, there is word of a breach
Beastie pens on the southern side of a big pump, at the back corner 21.6k,43.5k
6th plaque clue for now we see ourselves as our ancestors
Fungal brewery just left of the door as you enter 35.7k,33k
7th plaque clue as the fighting rages on in the upper deeps
Weapons hall to the west of the southern entrance is a large orange boiler, it’s hidden in the nw
behind it 26k,33k
8th plaque clue the craven of stars was once a joyful hub
Kataclysm chasm south of the orc keep there are 2 ramps go up the eastern one an the plaque
is just inside the eastern tunnel.
Final part
Open the battered chest at the end of the tunnel
Dem Bonez
How to Obtain: Click the Staked Skull in the SE corner of the Temple of Mork, in Da Deppz (21.6K,36.4K)
Reward: Little WAAAGH’s Teef (Doesn’t seem to do anything, but is worth 20g)
Da Deepz
Clue 1: “Mork sez Write, so write I does …..”
Da ‘Ungry Troll (29.5K, 43.1K)
Clue 2: “As I wuz sayin, look at wutt dese stunties …..”
Da Beast Pens (17.6K, 42.3K)
Clue 3: “Ah I remember now! You can take a horse …..”
Weaponz Hall (30.4K, 33.4K)
Clue 4: “Dem Stunties, tried to hide dis hall …..”
Dem Dark Places (38.K, 34.1K)
Clue 5: “Just fink about it for a moment get …..”
Hammerin Hall (17K, 31K)
Clue 6: “I know, I know we’z been ere before and seen …..”
Squig Nursery (16.8K, 50K)
Clue 7: “Bounce bounce bounce, How much happier da …..”
Poison Halls (34K, 46.4K)
Clue 8: “You fink dat da stunties ever fought …..”
Ratbreaka Stand (27K, 22K)
Clue 9: “Oh dose ratters don’t know wut we got …..”
Rat Ridge (26.4K 5K)
Karak Eight Peaks
Clue 9: “All dis fightin’ all dese years…some gits …..”
Stunty Diggin Pit (22.7K, 36K)
Clue 10: “Dese lazt louts betta dig for da WAAAGH! …..”
Big Bosses Hall (32K, 40K)
Clue 11: “Wut a sight, wut a sight! Not e’en da …..”
Temple of Gork (41.5K, 37.8K)
Clue 12: “Yeah yeah yeah, dis is where we blasted …..”
Da Great Green Hall (32K, 14K)
Clue 13: “Oh mighty Big WAAAGH how you tore …..”
Big Bosses Hall (25.6K, 26K)
Clue 14: “Oh wut a room you know how much we gits …..”
@23.4K, 32K there is a Career Trainer called Krisros, next to a cauldron.
You need to jump on to the ledge behind the cauldron and follow it up to the
On the left of the building is the cooking pot you need to complete the quest.
A skull like no other Part 1
Location right behind the occult of tzeentch big bosses hall
Speak with the occult of tzeentch
A skull like no other Part 2
Consume the soul of a lazy lout
Can be used on any of the lazy louts there in the stunty diggin pit
A skull like no other part 3
Deliver the charged changer’s skull to herald brodkov
Location in hall of da gorkiest an morkiest 2 guards by him middle of the room
Reward Pendragon’s knot
Light Da Way
Location its a small lanter behind the big pile of dung at the end of the poisoned skulls hall.
The lantern is on the backside of the pile with the big red moon on it its behind a small pile of skulls so look close or you will miss it.
Follow the stinky tunnel
Follow the windy tunnel
Once done go talk to gitslit spleensit
Reward: This allows you to use the skaven tunnels in the city to get around faste
This’ll Do
Location its in ratridge center large hall very north end right up against the north wall there is what looks like a small generator in front of it an the stick behind it gives you the quest.
Find a goblin who would be interested in such a fine piece of wood, most likely one involved in smithing.
Deliver the strayt un
Reward: your choice of a siege engine.
Painted Skull
Location its the first hut with the whole in the floor you have to jump to the right an go around its a red an blue skull on a dirt pile. Its the wood ramp you take to the left instead of going down toward the arena pit.
Quest: Wut a noggin
Find who would be interested in trading for a coloful skull.
Turn in Yukko da mad
Egg Scrapz
Location its a cracked egg tucked down in the rocks just before you make the right turn fromthe orange area on the map going toward the arena.
Quest: Eggzalent Offer Part 1
Inspect the wyvern egg You have to jump your way up on the rocks that are along the mountain side above the egg.
Quest: Eggzalent Offer Part 2
Take the egg to a goblin cook in da angry troll an turn a profit. Turns in at mixa Zegrub
Mixa Zegrub
Location: Da Ugry Troll
Quest: Eggzalent Offer Part 3
Speak with a forest goblin Yeep Eight Eyes he is in the left hall or west wing of the poisoned skulls hall.
Krazy Kap
Location: in purple mushroom right next to a large red orc skull totem in the shines hall just after you leave the throne room so if your looking at the map its that first corner you will be facing it as you head for the shines hall.
Quest: A Need To Feed Part 1
Speak with masta mixa merrix located in the fungal brewery
Masta Mixa Merrix
Location: Fungal brewery
Quest: A Need To Feed part 2
Speak with a four finger squig herder is located in the squig nursery middle of the room Yik fourfingers
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