“A Magus of Tzeentch is a devoted follower of the Raven God, and has spent his entire lifetime studying pure sorcery with a fevered intensity. Desperate for even a bare glimpse of Tzeentchs great plan, the Magus has learned through his research that Tzeentchs daemonic minions are creations and reflection of the Great Changer.”

Class Statistics

Difficulty 45%
Versatility 90%
Mobility 75%

Class Information

Archetype: Ranged DPS

Special Mechanic: Daemon Summoning


Class Details: A defensive ranged fighter who specializes in summoning daemonic aid and casting offensive magic. The Magus’s many daemonic minions include Disks, Horrors and flamers of Tzeentch, which allow them to prepare a battlefield for ambush or defense. 

As a Magus, the primary tactical questions you must answer in battle are which of your abilities will be most effective, and where best to apply them. Your damage dealing power will be well applied in almost any situation, but an in depth understanding of the secondary effects of your spells is also pivotal to maximizing your effectiveness and potency. You are versatile, but you must select the best tools for each fight in order to succeed. Supplement this with good use of your Disc and its special abilities and you will have mastered the basics of playing the Magus.

Career Masteries

As a Magus, the primary tactical questions you must answer in battle are which of your abilities will be most effective, and where best to apply them. Your damage dealing power will be well applied in almost any situation, but an in depth understanding of the secondary effects of your spells is also pivotal to maximizing your effectiveness and potency. You are versatile, but you must select the best tools for each fight in order to succeed. Supplement this with good use of your Disc and its special abilities and you will have mastered the basics of playing the Magus.


magus 1

Path of Havoc

This path focuses on long-range attacks, and specializes in destroying a single target at a time. A master of this path will typically call forth a Pink Horror to help him slaughter his enemies from a safe distance. While the Magus may sometimes appear vulnerable due to the intense concentration that shaping raw magic requires, the unsuspecting foe who thinks that they face a weak enemy will only have a brief moment to be shocked and dismayed before the blasts of chaotic force remove them from this life.

Path of Changing

A specialist in this path understands that change waits for no man, and that Tzeentch demands speed and swiftness in those who serve. The cost of this decision is that his spells dissipate more rapidly into the Winds and therefore are only effective at moderate ranges, but a master of this path is a quick and adaptable sorcerer who uses a summoned Flamer to great effect.

Path of Daemonology

This path is primarily focused on tapping into the power of warping and twisted chaotic energy to unleash massive blasts of power at close range. In conjunction with a summoned Blue Horror, a specialist in this path can rend and shatter everything around him, leaving a trail of ruin and destruction in his wake.

Important Stats


As a Magus you will need the following statistics which you can improve using armor sets, weapons, rings, talismans and renown points



Intelligence:  Increases your magical damage reduces the chance your opponent’s chance to block or disrupt attacks.

Critical Chance: Increase your chance to do Critical damage .

Wounds: Increases your overall HP. You can never have enough HP.

Acquiring Gear

There are many ways to get gear:

  1. Open RvR:  The gear and weapons you get here are for your main spec.
  2. During RvR: when you kill or lock a zone you will be given medallions according to your level which you can trade for armor and weapons. At the end of a zone if you roll high enough you will be give a color bag with may contain certain tokens that you can trade and get a jewel set. Engineers don’t have defensive jewels set like other classes. 
  3. Scenarios: The gear and weapons you get here are some of the best weapons in game. You gain emblems at the end of every scenario and then you trade the emblems in the vendors in altdorf or inevitable city for your gear and weapons.
  4. Tome Unlocks: The tome is the book on your menu bar. In there you can do some like achievements i.e kill 100 orcs and get an unlock or get 3 items from a creature and then you trade that for a token in the library in altdorf or inevitable city and then that token in a jewel. There are some nice sets to see. Have a look in the useful links section.
  5.  Tier 4 epic quests: There is one epic quest story line in every area, and once you complete them you are given a choice of 1 item.
  6.  Dungeons & Lairs: Some Dungeons and Lairs can provide some good gear, weapons and jewels as you level up and or for end game. Changes in locations and ways to get end tier gear are happening constantly. Try and keep and eye on game forums.

Changes in ROR

  • Indigo Fire of Change is Path of Havoc 13pt ability and inflicts Elemental damage.
  • Roiling Winds morale 2 reduced to 30ft and inflicts all damage instantly.
  • Mutating Blue Fire is now a 2s cast.
  • Dissolving Mist radius extended to meet its visual effects.
  • Tzeentch’s Firestorm radius extended to meet its visual effects (link), is the 9pt ability in the Path of Changing tree, can be cast on the move, and has a snare effect added. Also inflicts Spirit damage.
  • Chaos Unleashed tactic will now also reduce the cooldown on Tzeentch’s Firestorm by 10 seconds.
  • Bolt of Change is the 9pt ability in the Havoc tree.
  • Daemonic Infestation staggers for 5s.
  • Surging Power increases the critical damage inflicted by Flickering Red Fire.
  • Daemons grant up to 8 Unholy Empowerment stacks every 2s when within 30ft of your daemon. Damage is increased by 5% per stack for a max of 40% damage. 4 stacks of Unholy Empowerment are lost when a daemon is killed for any reason. All stacks of Unholy Empowerment are lost when a daemon of a different type than the last is summoned.
  • Pink Horror : Unholy Empowerment improves your range, and that of your daemon, by 5% per stack up to 5 stacks, to a max of 25% extra range
  • Flamer : Unholy Empowerment will stack when you are within 40 feet of your daemon (up from 30ft), and while between 41 to 80 feet of your daemon, you will neither gain nor lose Unholy Empowerment stacks. Daemon range is improved by 5% per stack to a max of 40%. Provided you have at least one Unholy Empowerment stack, you can use Path of Changing skills, except Indigo Fire of Change, while moving. Each stack shortens the duration and tick interval of Path of Changing and Path of Daemonology DoTs by approximately 4% per stack to a maximum of 35%
  • Blue Horror : Unholy Empowerment will improve your change to Dodge and Disrupt by 4% per stack to a max of 32%, and also increases your daemon’s chance to Dodge and Disrupt by 8% per stack to a maximum of 64%.  Provided you have at least one Unholy Empowerment stack, you can use Path of Changing skills, except Indigo Fire of Change, while moving. Stacks increase the radius of any of your AoE abilities on skills by 6.25% per stack to a max of 50%, increase your aoe cap by 2 per stack, but reduce your cast range by 5% per stack to a minimum of 60%

Changes in ROR are happening constantly and its hard to keep up with them all. Stay updated by following the news and patch notes: 



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