Squig Herder – Path of Quick Shootin’

For this build you will need to be level 40 Renown level 80 to fully utilize the build. The game allows for great versatility so i will attempt to give you an idea on the build, after that you will have to modify it to fit you game style.


First lets see what gear we will need to use. For this build you need to aim for Invader gear (fort) until then stick to ORVR gear and weapons (subjugator). Later on you need to upgrade to Invader weapons as well .
For rings you need Genesis set (ORVR).
Talismans should be Weapon skill for more armour penetration.


Here you can see what skills i prefer for my build. We use the path quick & big shootin.

From Path of Quick Shootin’

  • Red Tipped Arrer!
  • Shootin Wif da Wind
  • Rotten Arrer
  • Da Waaagh iz Strong
  • Not So Fast

From Path of Big Shootin’

  • Finish ’em Off
  • Explodin’ Arrer


Now that we have our gear and our skills its time to improve them all. It is time to use the renown we have acquired through PVP.

  • 5 Levels of Blade Master
  • 2 Levels of Sure shot
  • 4 Level of Vigor
  • 2 Levels Marksmen
  • 1 Levels Deft Defender


  • Shootin Wif da Wind
  • Pick On Yer Own Size
  • Da Waagh Iz Strong
  • Masterful Aim


  • Concelement
  • Squig Goo
  • Explosive Shots
  • Hail of Doom


Positives of Build

  • Very good mobility
  • Good damage (Invader)

Negatives of Build

  • Requires high player skill
  • Low survivability (Low Hp / High crit chance)


If Enemy is Melee

  • Stop Running If sticky Squigz has not been used
  • No So fast (Can’t use it while moving now) it has Knockdown effect added.
  • Yer Bleeding
  • Rotten Arrer
  • Run and shoot
  • <than 20% Finsih em off

If Enemy is Ranged

  • Sharpnel Arrer
  • Yer Bleedin
  • Rotten Arrer
  • Not So Fast (Knock down)
  • Lots o’ Arrers
  • Drop That (For melee) / Choking Arrer if caster
  • Anything left or needs to be reaplied
  • <than 20% Finsih em off

Pet attack in implied since the begining of the fight including the Squig Frezy. Set a shortcut for pet attack. Othe skills like Red Tipped Arrer are used per situation.

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