Location: Inevitable City | Ranks: 40+ | Type: 6-Player, Instanced | Grade: 5 |Key Loot: Sentinel Armor and Weapons

The Bloodwrought tribe, known for their ungodly murder sprees, once hunted holy men and eventually expanded their reach to anyone who crossed their path. Tales say the tribe has been locked underneath the Inevitable City in an eternal war with each other, and woe be to the mortal who unlocks their prison. The Bloodwrought Enclave has a short hallway past the entrance that branches out to three wings.

To the left is the beastman section, straight ahead is the daemons and to the right are Khorne warriors leading portal pads that will transport players to an ice cave with undead, a poorly lit cave with gorgers, and a large room with a bloodbeast.

Barakus the Godslayer

Bloodlust: Short term enrage – increase damage dealt.
Whirlwind: PBAOE melee Damage.
Charge: Randomly selects a ranged target and locks on to that target. Brutemaul will run at that player at high speed knocking down all players in his path and doing damage to them. Once brutemaul reaches his target he will deliver a high damage melee blow and knockback.
Enfeeble: Periodically throughout the fight Brutemaul will do a shout and screenshake and debuff everyone in the group. Players will be highly vulnerable to damage
and must move away from Brutemaul as quickly as possible.

Stage Mechanics

Phase 1

Players will need to use the Bloodwrought Key that they obtained from Korthuk the Raging to open the gate into Brutemauls room. In the front of the room there will be 8 Rageclaw Bloodletters. These are core mobs and should be easy to deal with.

Phase 2

Players will directly engage Barakus the Godslayer. He will use all of his abilities. During the fight, players can use the three items that they obtained from the three portal bosses/events.

  • Empty Heart- Single Use Dmg/Attk Speed Debuff.
  • Blood Claw- Single Use Dmg Increase, Toughness/HP Debuff .
  • Obsidian Orb Single Use Blindness.

Curius Embervine

Random AOE Nuke: Randomly targets a player on his hate list and casts an AOE nuke on them. The player and all other players around them will take damage
Root + DoT: Randomly Targets a player on his hate list and casts a Root on that player. While the player is rooted he will take periodic damage.
Cone Nuke: Long range cone/breath nuke
Random AOE Morale Debuff: Randomly targets a player on his hate list and casts an AOE nuke on them. The player and all other players around them will have their morale reduced.

Stage Mechanics

Phase 1

Players will engage and fight Culius Embervine alone where he will use all of his abilities.

Phase 2

Culius will disappear and spawn 5 core Soulwrought Knights. They will use pbaoe melee attacks. These must be killed as quickly as possible. After 30 seconds Culius will re-appear and attack, any adds that are still up must be delt with quickly. Drop Culius should drop an empty heart to be used on the final boss fight.

Gorger Evenr

Brute Force: Standard Melee Strike
Bellowing Roar: Healing Debuff.

Stage Mechanics

Phase 1

Upon killing a certain gorger in the cave players will trigger the gorger event. Players will be assaulted by waves of gorgers until all waves have been defeated.


Players who successfully survive and kill the last Gorger should receive an Obsidian Orb which may be used in the final boss fight.

Korthuk the Raging

Bloody Cleave: Standard Melee Cleave

Bloody Roar: AE Silence, 2 second duration

Stage Mechanics

Ragedrunk Centigor: Standard Bearer. Has a passive Damage Add ability. The damage add has a range of 1350 units. If the Musician or Korthuk are in range they will do extra damage when
they attack.
Ragedrunk Musician: Casts two spells. Group heal and a Morale Damage spell. These can be outranged

Bugman’s XXXXXX : Barrel spawned around the area – grants the use of a firebreath for 15 seconds by any mob that drinks it Tilean Ale Barrel spawned around the area – debuff s the mobs attack speed and damage.
Altdorf Stout Barrel: spawned around the area – grants a short duration enrage, increasing damage.

Phase 1

Korthuk and his two adds are spawned in the middle of the room with barrels scattered about. Players can attack and destroy the Barrels at anytime. The players will need to engage Korthuk and this two adds at the same time. Every 15 seconds one of the centaurs will run to a barrel and get a buff.

Drop: Korthuk will drop the Bloodwrought Key upon death.

Sarloth Bloodtouched

Cleave: Standard Melee Cleave
Stomp: Sarloth will stomp the ground and everyone in the room will be knocked down and take massive damage. Spite Shot Sarloth will target a random ranged player on his hate list and fire a spine at them for high damage
Bloodfrenzy: Sarloth will place the Bloodfrenzy buff on a random player on his hate list. That player will take high damage over time but will also be given a damage and healing
increase. If the player dies while the bloodfrenzy is active they will spawn a bloodbeast.

Stage Mechanics

Phase 1

Sarloth is a very diffcult tank and spank encounter. He does massive damage to everyone in the group. The key to the fight is making sure that the player with the bloodfrenzy buff is spam healed so they do not die, losing just 1 player can me failure.


Sarloth should drop a Blood Claw upon death that may be used in the final boss fight.


Return of Reckoning is constantly updated and to maintain its originality as well as to provided new challenges to the player. If some of the above information is changed please let us know to adjust it. We try and keep it as updated as possible!

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