- This scenario is completely unique and does not follow universal design elements.
- The only scenario with this game type is Kadrin Valley Pass and it is a 24 v 24 scenario.
- This scenario has a 20 minute timer. At the end of the time, whichever team has the highest score wins.
- All players respawn on a 1 minute respawn interval.
- There is no dominated or comeback designs for this scenario. As it already gets more difficult to push further and further.
- Kills generate 0 scenario points in this scenario.
- Siege Health can only be reduced by enemy basic attacks, and it cannot be restored. Whenever an object reaches 0 siege health, it is destroyed and the enemy team gains points.
- Siege Defense is a % chance to resist losing siege health whenever the object is attacked.
- There are NPCs around the map that will attack enemy players. These NPCs will not one shot players, but they aren’t worthless in a fight either.
- The primary objective of the scenario is to take out the Dwarven Brewery or the Altar of Mork. But these things are significantly defended and buffed by other secondary objectives around the map.
- This scenario ends whenever either side destroys a primary objective.
This map is slightly out of date at this point, but serves as a visual for what I am going to describe below. Each side has the same type of objectives but they have different names and appearances. As such I will define them separately below.
(1) The Dwarven Brewery has 1500 siege health and has many guards covering the 3 entrances. If destroyed, it grants 500 scenario points to destruction and the scenario ends.
(2) The Flame Cannon has 500 siege health and has a small crew of engineers and their guards. While it is active, it will reduce the Altar of Mork’s siege health by 10 every 15 seconds and the damage of all order guards is increased. If destroyed, it grants 100 scenario points to destruction.
(3) The Anvil of Doom has 250 siege health and has a large defense of runelords and their guards. While it is active, it increases the siege defense of the Dwarven Brewery and Flame Cannon by 50%. It also increases the health of all order guards. If destroyed, it grants 150 scenario points to destruction.
(4) Supply Caches have 150 siege health each and has a small guard of dwarven rangers. There are 3 of these. While each one is active, they increase the siege defense of the Dwarven Brewery by 25% and increase the health of all order guards. If destroyed, it grants 50 points to destruction.
(5) Scout Posts have 100 siege health and are undefended. There are 3 of these. If destroyed, it grants 25 points to destruction and despawns 1/3 of the dwarven rangers. KVP is defended by dwarven NPCs. Ironbreakers slow nearby enemies and deal minor damage. Engineers will apply DoTs to enemy players that also increase the amount of damage they take. Runelords buff nearby allies to increase the damage/healing they do, and they deal ranged elemental damage to enemies. Rangers deal ranged direct piercing damage to enemy players.
(1) The Altar of Mork has 1500 siege health and has many guards covering the 3 entrances. If destroyed, it grants 500 scenario points to order and the scenario ends.
(2) The Lobba has 500 siege health and has a small crew of orc shamans and their guards. While it is active, it will reduce the Dwarven Brewery’s siege health by 10 every 15 seconds and the damage of all destruction guards is increased. If destroyed, it grants 100 scenario points to order.
(3) The Effigy of Gork has 250 siege health and has a large defense of orc shamans and their guards. While it is active, it increases the siege defense of the Altar of Mork and Lobba by 50%. It also increases the health of all destruction guards. If destroyed, it grants 150 scenario points to order.
(4) Scrap Piles have 150 siege health each and has a small guard of arrer boyz. There are 3 of these. While each one is active, they increase the siege defense of the Altar of Gork by 25% and increase the health of all destruction guards. If destroyed, it grants 50 points to order.
(5) Scout Posts have 100 siege health and are undefended. There are 3 of these. If destroyed, it grants 25 points to order and despawns 1/3 of the arrer boyz. KVP is attacked by greenskin NPCs. Goblin spearmen slow nearby enemies and deal minor damage. Orc shamans will apply DoTs to enemy players that also increase the amount of damage they take. Goblin shamans buff nearby allies to increase the damage/healing they do as well as dealing ranged elemental damage to enemies. Arrer boyz deal ranged direct piercing damage to enemy players.

Twin Siege Scenario Mechanic Explained - Interbellum
A rundown of the core mechanics and design of the Scenario by the developers.
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00:00 Introduction
00:28 Dev Explains
20:32 Credits[+] Show More