Scenario Type: Capture the Flag
Size: 12 Vs 12
Time Limit: 15 minutes
Victory Conditions: 500 points
Scoring: 2 points per player kill, 25 points per captured area, 100 points for capturing all 3 areas before time runs out.

This match is pretty straight forward: kill or be killed, but avoid the trolls! That’s right, trolls. You’re fighting on their turf, and they’re not too keen on either side being in the area. Because you’re trespassing, the not-so-friendly trolls hurl large boulders into the area from time to time. These boulders aren’t lethal, but they cause a hefty knockback to anyone they hit. This throws a bit of variety into the scenario.
Order Strategy
When you first enter the scenario you can go straight ahead or cut to the right to take an alternate path out of the spawn area. Most of the play area is lowlands with large boulders breaking up the space, but a large tree mound in the middle has spiraling walkways up both sides for an elevated fight. Gain the high ground, and you can do some damage by forcing the enemy to come to you. The disadvantage to being in this elevated position is knockback vulnerability. Don’t get too comfortable on your perch because it’s just a matter of time before you get knocked off. Once you’ve thinned opposition around the tree, grab the flag and run to one of the troll positions to score points.
Destruction Strategy
When you first enter the scenario you can go straight ahead or cut to the right to take an alternate path out of the spawn area. Most of the play area is lowlands with large boulders breaking up the space, but a large tree mound in the middle has spiraling walkways up both sides for an elevated fight. Gain the high ground, and you can do some damage by forcing the enemy to come to you. The disadvantage to being in this elevated position is knockback vulnerability. Don’t get too comfortable on your perch because it’s just a matter of time before you get opposition around the tree, grab the flag and run points.