Scenario Type: King of the Hill
Size: 12 Vs 12
Time Limit: 15 minutes
Victory Conditions: 500 points
Scoring: Lighthouse: 5 points per player kill,15 points for a capture then 2 points every 7 seconds, Barracks: 15 points for a capture then 2 points every 7 seconds, Fortress: 30 points for a capture then 2 points every 7 seconds.

This imposing edifice, recently constructed on an island of rock just off the shore of Nordland, is the cornerstone of the province’s coastal defenses. Numerous batteries of cannons bristle from the storm-lashed walls of Nordenwatch, safeguarding the nearby town of New Emskrank from assault by the black ships of the Northmen.
Knowing that the fort will pose a threat to his fleets, Tchar’zanek, lord of the Chaos Warhost, decides to first attack by land, drawing out the soldiers stationed in the sea fort. His plan proves successful, and when the garrison at Nordenwatch sails ashore to defend New Emskrank from assault by the ravaging warhost, the dread warlord gives the signal for his fleets to assault the fort and seize control of its guns.
Now, the remaining soldiers in the fort fight desperately to fend off the attack from the black warships of the enemy. Knowing that they must hold at all costs, they dispatch a messenger to the shore calling for reinforcement.
Order Strategy
There are three control points: Lighthouse (closest to Order spawn), Fortress (farthest away in the middle), and Barracks (closest to Destruction spawn). You need two of the three capture points to win, and, of course, the Fortress is the most valuable. At the start, use your Flee ability to sprint directly to the Fortress.
You can drop one capture the Lighthouse, but everyone else should attack the Fortress as Secure the Fortress and then decide on the next course of action based movements. If they’ve left the Barracks lightly guarded, send a team down Lost the Lighthouse already? Send a team to gain it back.
Whichever team and keeps track of the other team’s movement will win the scenario.
Destruction Strategy
There are three control points: Barracks (closest to Destruction spawn), Fortress (farthest away in the middle), and Lighthouse (closest to Order spawn). You need capture points to win, and, of course, the Fortress is the most valuable. your Flee ability to sprint directly to the Fortress. You can drop one person capture the Barracks, but everyone else should attack the Fortress as a coordinated Secure the Fortress and then decide on the next course of action based movements.
If they’ve left the Lighthouse lightly guarded, send a team down control. Lost the Barracks already? Send a team to gain it back. Whichever adjusts the best and keeps track of the other team’s movement will win scenario.