Scenario Type: Capture the Flag
Size: 12 Vs 12
Time Limit: 15 minutes
Victory Conditions: 500 points
Scoring: Holding the Gate Switch: 50 pointsper capture and 2 points every 5 seconds, Ammunition Cache: 50 points per capture and 1 point every 5 seconds, Supply Room: 50 points per capture and 1 points every 5 seconds, Enemy Kills: 1 point per kill plus modifiers (+5 points) if you control the Gate Switch, +1 point for Ammunition Cache, +1 point for Supply Room).


Ekrund has been overrun by greenskins. The Dwarfs have returned to Ekrund to take back their ancestral lands, but they must first secure the Gates to prevent more greenskins from flowing into the area. These ancient Gates guard the only mountain pass that is wide enough to accommodate an army. For the Dwarfs, recapturing these gates and sealing them shut is paramount to defeating the greenskin presence in Mount Bloodhorn. The Dwarfs have succeeded in repairing most of the damage to the Gates, but the greenskins remain relentless in their attempts to break through, if only to annoy the Dwarfs. The greenskins have no siege weaponry capable of damaging the doors, so they are forced to try to take control of the gate mechanism, located atop the gates. To accomplish this, the greenskins have erected siege towers that they use to climb to the top of the walls.


Order Strategy

There are three capture points, but your main priority is the central one: the Gate Switch. The huge gate lies between you and your opponent, so you won’t know what they’re up to right away. Your best bet is to gather one large force (or two if you plan on hitting two objectives simultaneously) and rush down the road to the stairs near the Ammo Cache. You can take the alternate route to the east and run along the path to reach the Supply Room too. When you reach the Gates, the path splits and you can go for the smaller capture point or drop down to the middle level to control the Gate Switch. Because the Gate Switch offers the most points, concentrate forces here if possible. With capture points secure, send out scouts to check on the enemy position and evaluate your next course of action without pulling valuable defenses away from an owned capture point.


Destruction Strategy

 There are three capture points, but your main priority is the central one: the Gate Switch. The huge gate lies between you and your opponent, so you won’t know what they’re up to right away. Your best bet is to gather one large force (or two if you plan on hitting two objectives simultaneously) and rush down the road to the stairs near the Supply Room. You can take the alternate route to the west and run along the path to reach the Ammo Cache too. When you reach the Gates, the path splits and you can go for the smaller capture point or drop down to the middle level to control the Gate Switch. Because the Gate Switch offers the most points, concentrate forces here if possible. One trick the Destruction players can use is the mighty orcapults! Believe it or not, you can jump on them, release, and catapult onto the Gates!

RvR Tip: Keep enemy healers down and out of range of their teammates.

Fixxer’s Tip: Gate switch & kills wins you the scenario…

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