Scenario Type: Death Match/War Ball
Size: 12 Vs 12
Time Limit: 15 minutes
Victory Conditions: 500
Scoring: 10 points per player kill, 3 points every 5 seconds for holding War Ball, 20 points per player kill if holding War Ball, 20 points to opposing team if War Ball carrier killed.


The Mourkain Temple is a remnant of the defunct Mourkain civilization. All that remains of the once-mighty complex are half-sunken ruins. Pillars, collapsed buildings, and large swamp trees surround the temple ruin, obscuring it from the rest of the swamp. The temple itself has no interior (players cannot enter it). However, a wide ledge runs around its  circumference with five sets of stairs winding down into the brackish swamp water; one set at each corner and a set at rear center. The entire area is knee-deep in water and a broken bridge spans (or rather, fails to span) the gap reaching from the short cliff face where the players enter the scenario to the temple doors.

A crafty Goblin Shaman of the Black Skull tribe recently discovered a strange artifact near the temple. He learned that while he carried this glowing artifact, he and all the other green skins around him became more powerful in battle, as long as they did not stray too far from the temple. The Dwarfs, who have clashed with the Shaman and his band more than once, have pieced together that the artifact is a source of magical power and must be taken from the green skins. The two sides now square off in a battle around the ancient temple to fight for control of the artifact.

Order Strategy

Both sides start at opposite ends of the map with the War Ball in the middle. Use Sprint to reach the War Ball as fast as possible; whichever team holds it gains the combat advantage. Work together as a team, coordinate your tactics, and you’ll do well. Healers should protect the War Ball carrier. There is a lot of open-field terrain here, so be sure to out-flank your opponents. Ranged attackers, such as Engineers and Shadow Warriors, or even White Lions with leap.

Destruction Strategy

Both sides start at opposite ends of the map with the War Ball in the middle. Use Sprint to reach the War Ball as fast as possible; combat advantage. Work together as a team, coordinate well. Healers should protect the War Ball carrier. here, so be sure to out-flank your opponents. Magi, or even Squig Herders with their squig.

RvR Tip: Keep your window view all the way out so that you can see flanking enemies.

Fixxer’s Tip: Rush to the center of the temple and secure it before its too late…. Flanking was never more important!

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