Scenario Type: Death Match/War Ball
Size: 12 Vs 12
Time Limit: 15 minutes
Victory Conditions: 500 points
Scoring: 10 points per player kill, +10 points per player kill if you carry a war Ball, +10 points per player kill if you kill the War Ball carrier, 3 points every 5 seconds for carrying a War Ball.

Are you ready for a giant free-for-all? The object of this scenario is to kill as many of the other team as possible. Of course, you probably want bit more fun than that, so the center of the play area spawns a War Ball to increase the onslaught. The map is shaped like a giant bowl. The spawn points are on opposite ends of the zone, with ledges running around a in the middle. Your battle skills will be challenged!
Order Strategy
You don’t have to worry about capture points, so go out and slay some enemies. Of course, wielding the War Ball improves your kill percentage, but a well-coordinated team will always win the day here. Stick to the outer paths for maximum movement speed; the middle is full of obstacles that impede movement and block line of sight. Melee specialists, such as Witch Hunters, Shadow Warriors, and Ironbreakers, should definitely seek the center’s protection and wrestle for the War Ball. Ranged nukers, such as Engineers, Bright Wizards, and Archmages, should stay on the fringe to take out targets moving into the center or along you don’t want to be anywhere near the center. Rune Priests and other healers stay out of harm’s way, yet be close enough to help out their melee comrades.
Destruction Strategy
You don’t have to worry about capture points, so go out and slay some enemies. Of course, wielding the War Ball improves your kill percentage, but a well-team will always win the day here. Stick to the outer paths for maximum speed; the middle is full of obstacles that impede movement and block line Melee specialists, such as Black Orcs, Chosen, and Witch Elves, should seek the center’s protection and wrestle for the War Ball. Ranged nukers, Magi and Sorceresses, should stay on the fringe to take out targets moving center or along the edges; you don’t want to be anywhere near the center. other healers need to stay out of harm’s way, yet close enough to help comrades.