Scenario Type: King of the Hill
Size: 12 Vs 12
Time Limit: 15 minutes
Victory Conditions: 500 points
Scoring: 75 points if both capture point held, 1 point per player kill.

Many decades ago, in a conflict for the ages, the soldiers of the Empire clashed with the barbarians of the north in a bloody battle. The leaders for each side strode through the melee to encounter one another. The combatants fell back to watch the mighty Champion and the courageous General engage in single combat, with each side cheering for its leader. After a hard-fought battle lasting for hours, the Champion of Chaos finally fell. The men of the Empire, inspired by the General’s victory, surged forward and broke the enemy army.
Though he would live to see the victory, the General succumbed to his wounds later that day. His soldiers made camp and gathered stone. They buried their fallen comrades, marking each grave with a headstone. For their leader, the soldiers made a great cairn. Every man swore an oath that they would all return and build a proper cemetery to honor the dead and commemorate the victory. Many decades later, they did just that, and the High Pass Cemetery still stands as a rare landmark in the frozen wastes of the north.
Now, many years later, another battle is being fought in High Pass. The Order of the Griffon races north to capture the renegade Doctor Zumwald and learn the plans of his evil cult, which is responsible for the spread of the plague in the Empire. Zumwald seeks refuge in the lands of the Northmen, and the Changer of Ways sends his agents to protect the cult leader’s retreat and drive back the soldiers of the Empire. At the High Pass Cemetery, the forces of Order and Destruction will clash, and they will find that in the Age of Reckoning, the spirits of the dead have been awakened by the winds of war.
Order Strategy
There are two capture points in this scenario: the Crypt to your far left and the Stag to your far right. You can choose from three paths when the start gate opens. Go either left or right as a group to take your first objective; never go straight or else you’ll get distracted by constant fighting. Should you end up in a fight, there is very little room to maneuver around the tombstones. If you can, move to the first available open space to free up your options. It’s one of the smaller arenas, so prepare for full-on combat; Ironbreakers, Swordmasters, and Warrior Priests will thrive in here.
Destruction Strategy
There are two capture points in this scenario: the Stag to your far left and the Crypt to your far right. You can choose from three paths when the start gate opens. Go either left or right as a group to take your first objective; never go straight or else you’ll get distracted by constant fighting. Should you end up in a fight, there is very little room to maneuver around the tombstones. If you can, move to the first available open space to free up your options. It’s one of the smaller arenas, so prepare for full-on combat; Black Orcs, Chosen, and Marauders will thrive in here.