Scenario Type: Capture the Flag
Size: 12 Vs 12
Time Limit: 15 minutes
Victory Conditions: 500 points
Scoring: 2 points per player kill, 75 points per captured ship salvage.

Two vessels are forced ashore from violent storms and have massive hull damage. Both Dark Elves and High Elves are forced to battle each other over spare parts from other storm-wrecked ships. The goal of the scenario is to bring back salvage to your home base (essentially single-flag Capture the Flag). The only problem? The enemy wants to do the same thing.
Order Strategy
Both teams start along the north coast, with you on the east side. The only points scored are for capturing salvage, so what are you doing standing around? Sprint to the salvage ship in the far south. Ranged damage-dealers, such as Bright Wizards or Shadow Warriors, should seek out high ground to ambush the unwary and maximize your range capabilities. Look for high ground at the central plateau and near the flag. The passes between spawn points provide quick access side to side in the fray.
Destruction Strategy
Both teams start along the north coast, with you on the west side. The only points scored are for capturing salvage, so what are you doing standing the salvage ship in the far south. Ranged damage-dealers, such Herders, should seek out high ground to ambush the unwary capabilities. Look for high ground at the central plateau between spawn points provide quick access side to side in the fray.