Scenario Type: King of the Hill/War Ball
Size: 12 Vs 12
Time Limit: 20 minutes
Victory Conditions: 500 points
Scoring: 25 Points for capturing the center, 3 points every 5 seconds for holding the capture point, 2 points per player kill (1 point per player kill if you carry the war ball).

Prepare to battle for the Temple of Isha. It’s the lone capture point in the scenario, and as such, whichever team holds it the longest wins. Both teams start on the northern end of the map; the Temple is in the cul-de-sac to the far south. Because it may be difficult to wrest control from an opponent who has the Temple, a War Ball spawns in front of the centermost path between the two team spawn points. The War Ball grants you five percent more damage per hit, but the carrier also receives five percent damage. Use the War Ball to force the other team off Temple grounds, for it won’t be
yours after you gain control.
Order Strategy
There are several exits from your spawn point, but unless you’re going for the War Ball, take the southeast slope, which drops you closest to the capture point. Head toward the southern Temple battleground. If you stay down low, you will run into a serious bottleneck in front of the capture area. Instead, look for a path to your right that runs up behind the objective. You can assault the Temple from behind by dropping down this slope and sneaking up unannounced.
Destruction Strategy
There are several exits from your spawn point, but unless you’re going for the War Ball, take the southwest slope, which drops you toward the southern Temple battleground. If a serious bottleneck in front of the capture area. left that runs up behind the objective. You can assault dropping down this slope and sneaking up unannounced.