Scenario Type: Tug of War
Size: 18 Vs 18
Time Limit: 15 minutes
Victory Conditions: 500 points
Scoring: 5 points per player kill, 50 points for capturing points in enemy territory, 40 points for recapturing points in your territory, 1 point every 2 seconds while Order holds Da Camp, 1 point every 2 seconds while Destruction holds Engine Number 9.


The Gromril Spike is the name of the Dwarf train that runs through Kadrin Valley en route to the Empire. Greenskin ambushes along most of the major roads have made travel by cart more dangerous than usual, making the train one of the few reliable transportation methods still available. Unfortunately, the greenskins have noticed the train regularly steaming through Kadrin Valley, and while they may fall short of actually understanding the true purpose of the massive locomotive, they do know that stopping it will anger the Dwarfs. That reason alone is more than good enough to explain why the greenskins have begun attacking the train. To that end, the greenskins have set up several obstacles along the train’s tracks, and they hope to slow the progress of the train enough that reinforcements arrive to help them capture the locomotive. The Dwarfs must defeat or bypass these obstacles before the greenskins can summon enough of their brethren to prevent the train from getting through at all.

Order Strategy

This is a traditional “Tug of War” battle. Both sides own two flags at the start, with the neutral Bridge flag in the middle. If you can take control of the Bridge, one of your enemy’s flags becomes available, and if you take that, the flag farthest away, Da Camp, becomes your target. Capture that and you earn big points, plus steady points over time.

You have two exits from the spawn point: directly down into the fray, which takes you below the elevated Bridge flag, or through the tunnel, which wraps you around in a flanking position and deposits you near the Bridge flag. You definitely want to take the Bridge flag and push forward slowly, ensuring that you don’t lose control of what you’ve gained. However, don’t discount the difference in a close match.

Destruction Strategy

This is a traditional “Tug of War” battle. Both sides own two flags at the start, with the neutral Bridge flag in the middle. If you your enemy’s flags becomes available, and if Engine Number 9, becomes your target. Capture steady points over time. You have two exits from the spawn point: fray, which takes you below the elevated Bridge the tunnel, which wraps you around in a flanking deposits you near the Bridge flag. You definitely take the Bridge flag and push forward slowly, that you don’t lose control of what you’ve However, don’t discount the player kills; they add up, and will make the difference in a
close match.

RvR Tip: Better weapons mean more damage,and the more damage you do, the more experience and Renown you get.

Fixxer’s Tip: Don’t loose focus of the BO’s. The first flag is important to gain momentum and keep on moving. Remember you only nee a few to cap a flag after the first.. Splitting up forces, could be useful.

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