Stage 1: Go at the entrance of the keep and start killing NPCs. Make your way to the center and be careful not to kill the aggro the constructs from the side. Climb the stairs making sure that you are not aggroing the last construct which is near them and go all the way to the center of the room. Put healers and DPS with the back at the place where the portal will spawn in stage 4 and tell the tanks to pull the hero on top. As soon as he is there kill it. 

Stage 2: After killing the hero, move to one of the sides, go down the stairs and kill the constructs. Remember to pull maximum two of them because their cleave is very big and you will die. after you killed the constructs, proceed close to inner circle and kill the remaining constructs and twisted spawns.

Stage 3: After you killed the NPCs from stage 2, proceed to top of the room like you did in stage 1. Healers and DPS should stay with their back at walls and you can start attacking the boss. He is spawning adds so make sure that those are killed fast. Otherwise they will cause some problems


Stage 4: Kill the boss following this mechanic:


  • Form a designated party which will go inside portal when the boss is 50%. The party must consist 2 tanks / 2 heals / 2 DPS. If one of the members of this party is transformed into a spawn, switch if fast with another player (with exact role) so that he can replaced. The person who got transformed needs to move away from the party members because they will all die.
  • Place the main party on top of middle stairs and the rest should go down via the side stairs in front of the boss. Tanks make sure that you have Destracting Bellow equipped. You will need it
  • Now the fight begins. As soon as the lord is at 50% a portal will spawn on top of middle stairs. The party which is there needs to go in. They will find a neutral NPC and a barrier in middle. This party must go to the other side of the room and start attacking the NPC. The NPC is placing a fire puddle on the ground so people needs to move away from that while kiting the NPC. After the NPC is dead they need to kill the object in the middle. While this party is dealing with the boss and object inside portal, the rest are attacking the lord.
  • The lord is using a heal buff which is increasing his health. This buff lasts 15 minutes and here is when DIstracting Bellow comes in handy. After group from portal is down when the other people from warband are, all the tanks must be crossguarded and need to keep boss aggro. They need to coordinated the moral so that they will make a Distracting Bellow Circle, starting from 1st tank of party 1, towards last tank of party 4 and repeat till the boss is dead.

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