A lot of people ask whats the best way to make money. The best way is the way you like. Some like to kill mobs, some like to butcher, or run dungeons, others to cultivate or a bit all the above mentioned.

On this post I will list what potions are the best to sale in Auction House (AH) in both sides to my experience.

Potent versions of the potions require you get a critical while crafting thus harder to make, stronger and of course more expensive.

Defensive Potions:

  • Lasting Stanchion Unguent (Armour Potion +660 Armour)
  • Potent Stanchion Unguent (Armour Potion +825 Armour)
  • Lasting Liquid Fortitude (Toughness Potion +80 Toughness)
  • Potent Lasting Liquid Fortitude (Toughness Potion +100 Toughness)
  • Lasting Aversion Potions ( Absorb 1875 dmg – 30 sec Duration)
  • Potent Lasting Aversion Potions ( Absorb 2290 dmg – 30 sec Duration)

Offensive Potions:

  • Lasting Potion of Verity (Ballistic Skill +80)
  • Potent Lasting Potion of Verity (Ballistic Skill +100)
  • Lasting Potion of Power (Strength Skill +80)
  • Potent Lasting Potion of Power (Strength Skill +100)
  • Lasting Erupting Blast Potions ( Deal 112 every 3 sec in 25 feet area from blast area)
  • Potent Lasting Erupting Blast Potions ( Deal 137 every 3 sec in 25 feet area from blast area)
  • Lasting Hooked Ointment (Reflect damage when hit by melee +37 dmg)
  • Potent Lasting Hooked Ointment (Reflect damage when hit by melee +45 dmg)
  • Lasting Potion of Discipline ( Willpower Skill +80)
  • Potent Lasting Potion of Discipline ( Willpower Skill +100)
  • Lasting Potion of Brilliance (Intelligence Skill +80)
  • Potent Lasting Potion of Brilliance (Intelligence Skill +100)

Healing Potions:

  • Draught of Recovery (Heal instant 1500 HP)
  • Potent Draught of Recovery (Heal instant 2748 HP)
  • Lasting elixir of Recovery ( HOT 3600 HP in 18 sec)
  • Potent Lasting elixir of Recovery ( HOT 4392 HP in 12 sec)

Other Potions:

  • Rejuvenating Draught (Instantly restore 110 Action Points)
  • Potent Rejuvenating Draught (Instantly restore 183 Action Points)

To make all of these potions you will need to learn and train Butchering and Apothecary as well as Cultivation. This requires you to use 2 characters since you can only have 1 crafting and 1 gathering profession.

Butchering Farming locations that I use for gathering mats. These can get sometimes crowded, so either come back later or try and share the Mobs.

Try and farm with your PVP off just in case!

Areas where I farm and you can find plenty of creatures to kill to make your potions.

[ppp_patron_only level=”15″ silent=”no”]

  • Lasting Stanchion Unguent (Armour Potion +660 Armour)
  • Potent Stanchion Unguent (Armour Potion +825 Armour)

  • Lasting Liquid Fortitude (Toughness Potion +80 Toughness)
  • Potent Lasting Liquid Fortitude (Toughness Potion +100 Toughness)


  • Lasting Aversion Potions ( Absorb 1875 dmg – 30 sec Duration)
  • Potent Lasting Aversion Potions ( Absorb 2290 dmg – 30 sec Duration)


  • Lasting Hooked Ointment (Reflect damage when hit by melee +37 dmg)
  • Potent Lasting Hooked Ointment (Reflect damage when hit by melee +45 dmg)

Final notes:

I have listed the butchering sites and materials that come form butchering. Some like healing you can get from butchering as well. For example while killing wyverns for the Armour mats you will also get healing mats. Or while killing bats you will get some stabilizers like Majestic Goldweed.

Most people will use those but usually they are not enough so they get more from cultivation, so that they don’t go out and farm all day. You can cultivate while playing manual or automatically using MGremix addon or Gather button addon. Cultivation while doing other activities such as PVP will cause massive Frame drop.


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