Cooking is a vital profession for survival since it will be lamost your only source of HP and Mana regeneration for the first few levels. In addition cooking can provide several buffs to help you on your journey. Players can craft various types of campfires and recipes that regenerate health, mana, and provide buffs. Cooking is best combined with Logging and Butchery to gather necessary materials efficiently.

Mastery Levels

  • Newbie: No bonus.
  • Journeyman: Reduces crafting time by 2 seconds.
  • Craftsman: Further reduces crafting time by 2 seconds.
  • Expert: Advanced perks (details unknown).
  • Master: Ultimate crafting efficiency (details unknown).

Crafted Items

All regeneration values are relative. Regeneration increases with HP and Mana pool.

For early levels, this is approximately:

  • 0.1 hp & mana / second per level for raw materials.
  • 1.5 hp & mana / second per level for cooked food.

All crafting ingredients and materials can be found here: Click me

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