Dawi (Dwarfs)

Dwarf Warrior (Ironbreakers)


Iron breakers are standard tanks with a heavy focus on armor. They equip axes and shields.

Hammers are melee dps that sacrifice mobility for additional defenses. They equip two-handed hammers.

Longbeards are standard tanks with a little more offensive support for their team. They equip two-handed axes.




Rifleman are ranged burst dps. When pushed, they lose sustained damage. They equip spanners and rifles and deploy gun turrets.

Grenadier are mobile medium-ranged dps focused on spreading multiple effects. They equip spanners and rifles and have no deployables.

Tinkerers are non-standard tanks whose effects are related to their deployable devices. They equip spanners and rifles and deploy lightnign rods, kegs, and magnets.


Oathbreaker (Slayers)


Skavenslayers are melee dps with a focus on cleave damage and rage generation. They dual-wield axes.

Exiled are non-standard tanks with periods of improved damage. They duel-wield hammers.

Giantslayers are melee dps with a focus on combo effects and bloodthirst generation. They equip two-handed axes.


Runescribe (RunePriest)

Runelords are melee-hybrid offensive supports with a higher focus on improving allied damage output. They equip two-handed hammers.

Runepriests are ranged healers that are more a dwarf-of-all-trades. They equip staves.

Runesmiths are melee-hybrid defensive supports with a plethora of allied buffs. They equip a single one-handed hammer.


Black Orcs


Fightas are standard tanks which are always in thick of things. They can swap to their back-up weapon for periods of offensive potential. They equip swords and shields with a two-handed axe back up.

Warbosses are defensive supports that keep enemies fighting them rather than da runts. They equip axes and shields with a two-handed axe back up.

Butchas are melee dps bruisers with good damage and defense with little mobility. They swap between cleave and burst. they dual-wield axes with a two-handed axe back up.


Da Boyz (Choppa)


Big Un’s are melee dps focused on hittin’ as many o dem as dey can. They dual-wield swords.

Arrer Boyz are hybrid-ranged fighters that hit ard at range when they dont miss, and finish dem off in melee. They equip a single sword and have a bow.

Big Waaagh! are caster dps that go boom! But they are limited and fight in melee when their magic is depleted. They equip staves.


Goblin (Squig Herders)


Squig Herders are offensive supports with a variety of different squigs. They also summon additional uncontrolled basic squigs throughout the fight. They equip a single spear and summon pets..

Shootas are dps that prefer to run away and be at range; but corner them in melee and prepare to get stabbed. They equip a spear and a bow.

Squig Riders are non-standard highly mobile tanks that cannot always tank. They equip spears and shields, go into meatball form, have a pet when not in form.


Night Goblins (Shaman)


Little Waaaghs are offensive supports that specialize in sneaky sneaky style magic effects. They equip staves.

Stalkers are melee dps with magical infusions and stealth. They equip a single ritual dagger.

Shroomancers are healers which use the power of tasty shrooms to heal people at locations. They equip staves



Bright Wizard


Pyromancers are ranged burst dps that focus on combo effects while at high combustion. Mobility is attached to spending combustion. They equip staves.

Arsonists are hybrid-range dps that build combustion with ranged DoTs and spend combustion with high potency melee attacks. They equip a single arming sword.

Battle Wizards are ranged offensive supports that dispel enemy effects, remove their defenses, and punish healers. They equip staves.


Squire (KOTBS)


Captains are standard tanks that provide defensive auras to the team. They equip arming swords and shields.

Order of Glinting Steel is a standard tank that provides utility auras to the team. They equip two-handed swords.

Knights of the Blazing Sun are melee offensive supports who, you guessed it, provide offensive auras to the team. They equip two-handed swords.


Swordsman (Witch Hunters)


Witch Hunters are melee dps that focus on stealth-based attacks. They equip rapiers and pistols.

Free Company Militia are melee dps that focus on sustained damage without stealth. They equip a rapier and an arming sword.

Outriders are medium ranged offensive support that suppress enemies with a hail of gunfire while being highly mobile. They equip arming swords and rifles.


Warrior Priest


Silver Hammer is a melee healer that uses lifetaps with a mixed of ranged absorbs. They equip hammers and shields.

Anvil and Torch is a ranged defensive support that provides absorbs, on hit effects, and cleanses for their party. They equip hammers and tomes.

Cleansing Flame is a melee dps than consumes their resources for periods of high burst. That same resource powers their defenses though. They equip two-handed hammers





Blightkings (Nurgle) are standard tanks that become more tanky as they spread nurgle’s love. They equip hammers and shields.

Gorechosen (Khorne) are melee dps with high sustained damage and good defenses but low mobility. They equip two-handed axes.

Tzeentch are defensive supports with a mix of medium ranged magic and crowd control. They equip two-handed swords.


Cultist (Zealot)


Zealots (Tzeentch) are ranged healers than transfer their health to their allies and drain it from their enemies. They equip ritual daggers and fetishes.

Hedons (Slaanesh) are defensive supports which spread corruption effects among their allies. They equip swords and fetishes.

Slaughterpriests (Khorne) are sustain damage hybrid range magical dps that favor melee and revel in the blood of the enemies. They equip axes and fetishes.




Soulflayers (Slaanesh) are ranged caster dps which summon immobile pets and launch nukes downfield until they go insane. They equip staves and have seekers of slaanesh.

Poxbringers (Nurgle) are ranged caster dps which summon mobile pets and spread disease and corruption among enemy ranks. They equip staves and have nurglings.

Doomweaver (Tzeentch) are medium ranged defensive supports focused on CC. They equip staves and have blue horrors.




Bloodreavers (Khorne) are highly-mobile burst melee dps. They dual-wield axes.

Nurgle are offensive supports which erode the enemies defenses. They dual-wield hammers.

Bladebringers (Slaanesh) are non-standard tanks with high mobility. They dual wield swords.

Asur  (High Elfs)


Archer (Shadow Warrior)


Shadow Warrior is a hybrid ranged dps more focused on physical ranged abilities. They equip a single one-handed sword and a bow.

Lothern Seaguard is an offensive support with a couple of defensive support options at the cost of damage. They equip sword, shield, and bow. (will replace in future with one-handed spear when art assets allow)

Shadow Walker is a hybrid ranged dps more focused on melee abilities. They have access to stealth but no mobility. They dual wield swords and a bow.




Adept of Ghyran is a ranged healer with a slight focus on Lore of Life spells. They equip staves.

Adept of Azur is a ranged offensive support with a slight focus on Lore of Heavens spells. They equip staves.

Adept of Hysh is a ranged healer with a slight focus on Lore of Light spells. They equip staves.


Apprentice of Hoeth (Swordmaster)


Commanders are standard tanks that have above average offensive potential. They equip swords and shields.

Swordmasters are magical melee dps with a handful of basic ranged spells. They equip two-handed swords.

Loremasters are mid-ranged defensive supports. They equip staves. Mordheim


White Lion


Hunters are burst melee dps heavily lacking sustained output. They equip two-handed axes and an offensive pet.

Guardsman are non-standard tanks whose effectiveness is tied to the pet. They equip two-handed axes and an defensive pet.

Axeman are dot-based melee dps. They equip two-handed axes and no pet

Druchii (Dark Elfs)




Blackguards are defensive supports which have a plethora of effects that shut down magic based enemies. They equip polearms.

Dread Knight are standard tanks which consume their hatred to keep on living. They equip swords and shields.

Corsairs are offensive supports that support their allied melee units. They dual wield swords.


Bride of Khaine


Witch Elves are melee dps designed around many fast hits and on-hit damage. They dual-wield daggers.

Death Hags are offensive supports whose on on-hit effects diminish the enemies defenses. They dual-wield daggers.

Hag Queens are defensive supports who restore the vigor of their allies through the blood they collect. The equip a dagger and a chalice.


Hag Graef


Khanite Assassins are melee dps that focus on stealthed attacks. They equip a single dagger.

Executioners are melee dps that potent single-strike attacks with lesser mobility. They equip two-handed swords.

Disciples of Khaine are medium-ranged healers with a cylical style. They equip swords and chalices.




Dominators of Ulgu are ranged caster dps that set up combo effects. They equip staves.

Dominators of Ghur are ranged offensive supports that increase their allies effectiveness while they cast. They equip staves.

Dominators of Shyish are ranged healers that use almost exclusively lifetaps to heal their allies. They equip staves.

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