Location: Dragonwake | Ranks: 36-40
Type: 6-Player, Open PVE/PVP | Key Loot: Beastlord Gear
Quest Information
Order Quest Giver: Caradhrel Lightspinner | Eataine | Chapter: 16
Destruction Quest Giver: Wrenthian Darktide | Eataine | Chapter: 20
Boss Location: Dragonwake| Caladain Cavern
Gear Vendor: Ellyrion Herdmaster (near the mount vendor)
Destruction Gear Vendor: Druchii Beastmaster – Inevitable City (near mount vendors)
General Set Up
Once you are in the cavern clear the champion scorpions out of the room away from the boss as best you can. Scorpions respwn fast so don’t waste too much time after you clear them.
The Main tank should aggro and pull the boss on the right side of the room. As the fight goes on adds will spawn and you need to keep them separated as they will heal Skarlok. This were the off thank comes into play. The off tank needs to control the adds spawning and this is easily done by the offtank casting a simple aoe taunt. Get those two things right (clear adds,then control them) and just dps until the boss is dead.
NOTE: If you go a boss and the boss is down, don’t worry. Simply target the boss and check for a buff below his healthbar. The respawn timer is the time on this buff.