So below you will see what the original company intented for the game. How the different archtypes would match up and who would be able to kill who. In this system you need all to kill all and it looks like it was balanced somewhat. This is a direct copy from the original game manual. After looking at it, it made me think how are the classes in ROR atm.
Although i am aware that ROR has a significant amount of changes in all areas and aspects of the game, i feel that we are way far out of this model seen below. I mean do you feel that a tank would kill a DPS DOK? or that a Marauder is even to a White Lion?
My point is that IF this system below was working; have we here in ROR done it wrong? I would love to hear what you have to say on this topic. Feel free to post what you think on FixxerTV discord (
Careers: Black Orc, Chosen, Ironbreaker, Swordmaster
Strong vs. Melee DPS
Even vs. Tanks/Melee Healers
Weak vs. Ranged DPS/Ranged Healers
Melee DPS
Careers: Marauder, White Lion, Witch Elf, Witch Hunter
Strong vs. Ranged DPS/Ranged Healers
Even vs. Melee DPS
Weak vs. Tanks/Melee Healers
Ranged DPS
Careers: Bright Wizard, Engineer, Magus, Shadow Warrior, Sorceress, Squig Herder
Strong vs. Tanks
Even vs. Ranged DPS/Ranged Healers
Weak vs. Melee DPS
Melee Healers
Careers: Disciple of Khaine, Warrior Priest
Strong vs. Melee DPS
Even vs. Tanks/Melee Healers
Weak vs. Ranged DPS
Ranged Healers
Careers: Archmage, Rune Priest, Shaman, Zealot
Strong vs. Tanks
Even vs. Ranged DPS/Ranged Healers
Weak vs. Melee DPS