All of the following is subject to change as player population expands and as we obtain player distribution data.


We will have three queues available at all times: Standard, Supplemental, and Warband.


The queue will be for non-grouped players. The queue will prioritize 1 healer per 6 players in a scenario as well as 12v12 scenarios. If you have not obtained a scenario pop within 20 minutes, you will be dumped into a 6v6 scenario with zero matchmaking restrictions.

  • Players within the same guild will be considered grouped players and thus can never show up in the same scenario (except during dumps). This includes any players that have left the guild in the past X timeframe.
  • If you change your hard specialization while in supplemental queue, it will remove you from queue.
  • Supplemental queue has the lowest rewards and does not supply any resources to the rvr campaign.
  • This reduced reward is still applied if you come across a standard queue dump (see below).


The queue will be for all players. This queue prioritizes placing full groups against other full groups, with a 50/50 shot of being a 6v6 or 12v12 scenario. Non-full groups will be pieced together to make full groups and solo queued players will fill in the gaps. This queue makes ZERO priority on role compositions.

  • Standard players who have not received a queue within 20 minutes will be dumped into the supplemental queue.
  • Players which are dumped retain their better rewards for queueing standard.
  • You may change your hard specializations while in this queue.
  • This queue provides better rewards than supplemental queue. Standard matches that haven’t dropped to supplemental queue will provide resources to the RvR campaign equal to the match score.


The queues are for warband leaders. This queue places warbands versus warbands in a 24v24 based scenario.

  • There is no queue dumping for this.
  • You may change your hard specialization while in queue.
  • Provides the same individual rewards as standard queue.
  • Rewards are improved by 50% if you have shared a guild with the warband leader for X timeframe.
  • RvR Resources earned in this match are multiplied by 10.
  • An individual cannot participate in a 24v24 scenario more than once every 30min.
  • If the size of your warband drops below 18, you will be removed from queue.

(Side Note: RvR resources are NOT needed to capture an RvR zone. They are a currency used by your faction for various things which assist in capturing the zone. No I may not go into more detail about it.)

Scenario Design Philosophy

Scenarios will come in three sizes: 6v6, 12v12, and 24v24. Which ones you obtain are based on the queue you are in selected above. Scenarios will always be chosen at random, with the available pool based on the current open rvr zones and the previous open zones for a maximum pool of 9 options. Most of our scenarios will be objective based with kills being diminished in value. We will still have some scenarios which are Team Deathmatch or Elimination where kills matter.

We will NOT have a surrender option in our scenarios as it is detrimental to the morale of the players, creates situations where people give up too soon, and overall diminishes the health of the queueing population. It is our job as designers to create scenarios in such a way that you don’t feel trapped in the cases that you would (legitimately) want to surrender. To that end, all of our scenarios will have 3 design concepts which are adjusted to the type of scenario that you are playing. These are Core Design, Dominated Design, and Comeback Design. The following is an example of those three using Nordenwatch.


Nordenwatch:AoR design was that the fort flag was worth 2x the value of the near-spawn flags. And kills were worth 5.


Core Design – All 3 flags have the same base value per 5 seconds. You reduce the value of kills to 1. Flags should be taken by player proximity. You want each flag taken to be worth something. Remove the idea of only holding one flag when you have the lead. This is an objective scenario so kill value should be minimal. You have to kill people or push them off to take the flags anyways.

Dominated Design – If one side gets all 3 flags, as soon as they have 100 more points than the enemy, the value of all those flags is multiplied by a factor of 5. So the match ends very quickly. If you can hold all 3 flags to the point that you are 100+ points above the enemy team, you have dominated them. Get everyone out of the match and hopefully into a better one.

Comeback Design – If one side has more than 150 points than the other, the value of flags/kills for the losing side is increased by 50%. You would still need 2 flags to start catching the enemy. But this allows you to do so faster if you do get 2. Also makes the score value closer in a contested match and helps keep player morale up and want to continue playing. Theres a huge difference in losing 400v500 than 150v500 even if the play was roughly the same.

Scenario Rewards

A player will earn rewards individually based on the number of scenario points that they assisted in obtaining. Winning versus losing has 0 influence on the rewards you obtain. This means that doing things that do not reward scenario points for that scenario will net you absolutely nothing, including afking in spawn. Using the above Nordenwatch: If you help capture one of the flags, you and everyone else who was around will get counted for each point that flag generates until it is captured by the enemy.

If you kill an enemy near a friendly flag, you will be added to the flag’s list of captors. If you kill someone near their spawn you get credit for 1 points. Say you lose 450 to 500. You were responsible for 300 of your team’s points, and some guy on the winning side was responsible for 150 of his/her team’s points. You would gain twice the rewards as they did as it is based solely on your points contributions.

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