Expanded RvR Lakes

Instead of relying solely on the 4 battlefield objectives, 2 keeps, and 2 warcamps that have been the mainstay of Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning RvR for over a decade; we will be breaking the map up into controlled sectors. These sectors will expand outside of the RvR lakes that WAR:AoR had and into the PvE areas. This means we will be using as much of each zone as we can make sense for combat in that zone. If a zone has PvE in it, all of it will be disabled whenever a zone becomes an active RvR zone.

This means all NPCs that aren’t required for PvP will disappear and you will be unable to progress any PvE content for that zone. This is to reduce the asymetry of the map as well as prevent players from using the PvE elements to gain an upperhand in PvP. You will see below that this will not inhibit players from using PvE to reach max level at any point.

Terrain editor will allow us to eventually use all of a zone as we open up methods for players to traverse the map in a more natural way. This is important only for certain zones

A sector is taken via proximity domination. You must have more living players than the enemy in the are in order to progress the sector capture bar. Progress can NOT be made if there are 20 or more living enemies in the sector. This means you need to kill or push the enemy away from the sector in order to take it and you can’t just simply outnumber them to win. Sectors can only be captured if your faction owns an adjacent sector. Zones will start with several contestable sectors across the map. This will create natural fighting areas designed for the usual push/pull style of combat as people die, regroup. There are 4 types of sectors: Basic, Chapter, Keep, Warcamp.


  • Basic sectors are just swathes of land. They enjoy pumpkin spice lattes.
  • Chapter sectors are those areas that have a PvE chapter camp inside of them usually, but may include other prominent areas. When a zone is an active RvR zone, all of the NPCs are disabled but the chapter camp is used to capture surrounding sectors. On a new zone, these sectors are automatically owned by their respective faction.
  • Warcamps are sectors that cannot be taken by the enemy. They are the only sector that comes with NPCs that will one-shot enemy players. They are the safe-haven and central deployment hub for a faction inside of a current RvR zone.
  • Keep sectors are special and will be described in more detail in a later section.

This is an example of a sector map for a zone that has a historical low player reputation for RvR. Originally there were only 2 attack/defend paths between the two keeps which were both major funnels. Players would sometimes use the pve areas to bypass these funneled areas. In our system, the above still exists of course, but now nearly all of the PvE zone is included in the RvR. There would be 60 sectors in this zone, most of which are near buildings/camps/etc. In this format, as every inch of ground can matter, there will always be multiple fronts players have to fight on.

Running around a single blob will likely lose you the zone in addition to no longer being safe due to zerg busters. In-game the connecting lines would not be present as they are quite ugly. This image is to showcase how the sectors connect for the purpose of this public release. Instead the center of the icon will be the color of the owning faction, and it will have a green outline if it is currently contestable by the opposing faction.

Capturing Zones

Zones will now be capture by a ticket system we call Provisions rather than simply controlling a number of battlefield objectives or capturing the enemy keep. When the enemy faction’s Provisions reaches 0, your faction will capture the zone. The following is all placeholder to showcase how this would work.

  • Each faction starts the zone with 5000 Provisions.
  • Provisions cannot be restored naturally, only removed. There is an exception listed in the Campaign section of this document.
  • Every time you kill an enemy and they respawn, the enemy faction loses 2 Provisions. If they get resurrected, this does not apply.
  • Taking the enemy keep will remove 2,000 Provisions.
  • Owning more sectors than the other faction will reduce their Provisions based on the difference in the amount owned. This effect ticks every 5 minutes.

Difference = Points Lost

0 = 0
1 = 10
2 = 30
3 = 60
4 = 100
5 = 150
6+ = +50

End Placeholder Overall, this means that zones will ALWAYS be captured even in the case of deadlocked fighting where few sectors are exchanging sides. Taking an enemy keep is still a massive boon to taking the zone, but it is not the only way to win. Controlling significantly more sectors than the enemy can quickly overcome Provisions disadvantages from kills or keep loss.


There are different types of zones.

  • Campaign Zones are the TIER four zones. These zones progress the campaign when captured moving to the next zone of that pairing. They change the available scenarios. And they determine the overall winning and losing faction.
  • Provision Zones are opened up as overflow zones whenever there is too much population. These zones still use the Provision system except whenever you remove enemy Provisions, your faction restores twice that amount in the current campaign zone. These zones are locked whenever one side reaches 0, but there is no zone lock bonus. All contribution here is applied to active Campaign zone for its lock bonus.
  • Low Population Zones are only opened up if the current population on either faction in RvR is too small to warrant opening a Campaign Zone. These zones use the Provision system but with a lower starting value. These zones will not have keeps, keep claiming, or siege weapons. These zones do have a zone lock bonus, and all contribution in them is still applied to the campaign week even if locking these zones does not advance the campaign.

Barak Varr

The Shadowlands – Ellyrion

Black Fire Pass High Pass – Talabecland

The Badlands


  • Ekrund and Mount Bloodhorn will serve as our Tier Tutorial zone. The RvR lake will have a mini-sector system that uses Provisions. There will be no keeps, keep claiming, or siege weapons. After the zone locks, everyone in the lake will be murdered after 5 minutes, and the lake will reset. The PvE areas will always be active in these zones and function as the first part of the leveling quests.
  • Marshes of Madness will always have its PvE area active and this will function as the second/final part of leveling quests. The RvR lake in this zone will be used for a group-based PvPvE leveling area. There are quests that get credit from killing elite NPC enemies and/or players within the RvR lake. This will be the fastest way to level using PvE due to the PvP risk and the fact that it will require a group to kill the NPCs.

Only one pairing of Campaign Zones is open at one time (Such as Dwarf vs Greenskins). Victory in a campaign zone will push to the next zone in that pairing. If you lock the zone at the enemy’s gate, then that pairing will be locked for a minimum of 24 hours. A pairing will only allow for 4 zone locks before moving on to the next pairing. That way if there is a tug of WAR, players still get fresh zones to fight in. There is a campaign week that resets on server patch/maintenance days. Campaign rewards are issued to players at the end of this week for their overall contributions for each zone this week.

Campaigns are ALWAYS reset to neutral whenever this happens, and the faction with the most zones is the winner of that week. Campaigns can also be reset in the middle of the week whenever all 3 pairings are locked and the winner for that week determined then. Any fighting done after that point still grants contribution to weekly reward, but does not affect the outcome of the winner for that week. We also may use Provision Zones and Low Pop Zones as Campaign Zones in such cases Currently this RvR document does not use/cover forts or cities and that will be a down the road kind of thing.


Keeps will use a 5 flag system with each flag having additional purposes. There will be no keep lords or NPCs unless spawned by Siege Weapon system.

  • All keeps have 100 keep health.
  • A keep that reaches 0 keep health will be permanently destroyed.
  • Keep flags are proximity based and tick over to the side who has the most players in the area. These do NOT tick if the enemy faction has at least 12 players.
  • All flags for the enemy faction deal 1 damage to keep health every 20 seconds when owned.
  • If the attacker has all 5 keep flags, it would take 6.66 minutes to reduce the keep health to 0, assuming the keep health was at 100 when they took the 5th flag.
  • A keep that has the outer walls, courtyard, and staging area owned by the attacker will eventually fall (~33 minutes). So the defenders cannot infinitely turtle inside the inner keep.
  • If the attacker doesn’t own the staging area (adjacent sector), they cannot even begin the attack.
  • If an attack has already begun, and the defenders take the staging area, the attacker can still take keep flags as long as they already owned at least 1. However, owning all 4 keep flags but the defenders have the staging area will also take ~33 minutes to capture.
  • As long as the keep health > 0, the defender can always take the staging area, even if they own no other adjacent sectors. This is because the keep counts as an adjacent sector, and it is still considered owned until destroyed.

The following are the descriptions of the 5 flags for each keep and what their respective benefits are. All keeps will only have 1 adjacent sector. The enemy faction must own this sector in order to siege the keep. This sector serves as one of the keep flags. Defender restores 3 keep health every 20 second when owned, essentially significantly slowing the enemy from taking the keep if they don’t own the staging area.

Keeps have a gate house flag. This flag will slowly restore the outer door health while owned by the defenders. This flag, if owned by the attackers, will allow them to use the door even if it is not destroyed.

Keeps have a courtyard flag. This flag is where the portal from the warcamp to the keep is located. If the attackers take this flag, that portal will despawn. In addition, the attackers will be able to use the postern doors on the outside wall. If the defenders retake this flag, they will need to own it for at least 5 minutes for the portal to respawn. The portal can only be used once every 10 minutes by an individual player.

Keeps have a downstairs flag. This flag will slowly restore inner door health while owned by the defenders. This flag, if owned by the attackers, will allow them to use the inner door and inner postern doors regardless if they are destroyed.

The last flag is upstairs where the keep lord used to be. This flag, if owned by the defenders, restores 2 keep health every 20 seconds. The primary purpose of this flag is to stall the enemy’s ability to take the keep until the defenders can push out.

Realm Resources

These resources are used to purchase siege weapons, keep upgrades, and teleportation services for your faction within a particular zone.

  • Each enemy death provides resources. This amount is diminished if the player has died recently. Killing an enemy Guild Leader or Realm Captain will generate additional resources.
  • Each sector captured will provide resources upon capture. Guild Leaders and assigned Realm Captains will generate more resources whenever they are involved in a kill or objective capture. This value is increased by the number of online guild members.
  • For each non-basic sector your faction owns, your faction will generate resources every minute.
  • Standard queue scenarios will provide realm resources equal to the scenario score for both factions. Warband queue scenarios will provide 10 times the scenario score for both factions. Supplemental queue scenarios provide nothing.

Guild points for keep claiming purposes are earned whenever a guildmate contributes to earning a realm resource.

Keep Claiming

In the first 5 minutes of a new zone opening, all sectors are locked. Guild members with the appropriate permissions can bid against guilds within the same faction on control of this zone’s keep. This bidding is done at a Realm Herald within the warcamp using “guild points”. The highest bidder will own the keep for this zone while it is active.

Ownership of the keep provides all guild members with a 25% bonus to renown points earned in this zone as well as 25% bonus to contribution scores for this zone. If the enemy keep is destroyed, these effects become 100% for the remainder of the zone. These effects are lost if your keep is destroyed. You must have been a member of the guild for a minimum of X days to get this bonus. The owning guild gains 0% guild points for activities in this zone. This is so that one guild cannot constantly gain control of all keeps for all zones.

Siege Weapons

All siege weapons cost Realm Resources. (Deploy) siege weapons are no longer pulled behind a player. Instead, siege equipment will present an icon above a player’s head while mounted. If the player becomes dismounted, the siege engine is dropped until someone picks it up again. Siege weapons can only be purchased by members of the guild who own the keep for this zone; even if that keep is currently destroyed. This may be extended to allied guilds. Any player may pick up or use a siege weapon that has been dropped/deployed.

  • Siege weapons can only be destroyed by siege damage.
  • Burn! – Any player may right click an enemy deployed siege weapon to begin a 10 second break on attack cast which will destroy the equipment.
  • Ram (Deploy) – Will deal massive siege damage to keep doors as long as 4 allied players are within 10 feet. No longer requires a mini-game to function.
  • Oil – Deals moderate damage to players and high siege damage.
  • Cannons or the like (Deploy) – Deals high siege damage or high damage to a single player.
  • Ballistae or the like (Deploy) – Deals low siege damage or low damage to up to 96 players within selected area.
  • Sapper Charge – Deal high siege damage. Takes a 10 second break on attack cast to use.
  • Siege Tower (Deploy) – Placed on specified spots on the outer walls of a keep. 120 seconds after deploying, a ramp will spawn which allows attackers to scale the walls.
  • Barricades (Deploy) – Places a game object that blocks LoS and player movement. Can only be deployed in basic sectors. This siege weapon can take damage from player abilities.
  • Door Upgrades – Increases the maximum health of a keep door. Will not restore current health if the keep is under siege.
  • Repair Kit – 5 second break on attack cast. Repairs a keep door that has not been damaged within X minutes. This can repair the outer door even if the inner door is destroyed or under attack.
  • Defense NPCs – Spawns a squad of NPCs to defend a sector. These can only be spawned at Chapter and Keep sectors and there is a limit on the number that may be spawned. These do not respawn.
  • Portals – Spawns a teleportation portal from the warcamp to any chapter sectors. Keep sectors will always have an active portal as long as the unique flag for the keep is owned by the defender. This portal will last for X minute and any player from your faction may use it.

Keep in mind that most things mentioned here are provisional and may change in the “near” future

Revealed: Exciting Plans For Interbellum RvR In Warhammer Online!

#interbellum #privateserver #warhammeronline #pvp #warhammer

Going through the recent public release from Interbellum stuff regarding how the RVR will work in the Interbellum private server. This video is cut from the ...
live Twitch stream.

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00:00 Introduction
00:21 Expanded RVR Lakes
05:28 Sectors
09:39 Capturing Zones
13:54 Campaigns
20:29 Keeps
27:45 Realm Resources
32:26 Keep Claiming
33:55 Siege Weapons
[+] Show More

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