Location: The Badlands | Ranks: 23–30 | Type: Realm Instanced | Grade: 3 | Key Loot: Redeye Armor and Weapons

Once a Morkain place of power, for a thousand years Gunbad has been home to a strange breed of greenskin. The mushroom-crazed forces of the Night Goblins— furtive maniacs clad in black and flecked with spit—gibber and scurry in the darkness. Alone in the gloom, their unhinged minds have fashioned all manner of madness, from teetering Goblin cities to pulsating squigs of  nightmarish proportions. Now change has come to the timeless depths.

The greenskins seek to break the unruly Night Goblins to their brutish will. Meanwhile, the Dwarfs have a more desperate mission. Gunbad is the sole source of Brightstone—a key component of the mighty Doomstriker Weapons. They must claim this precious ore and destroy another potential Goblin enemy. Still, the prospect of spattering Goblin brains while underground has cheered more than one Oathbearer, despite the grim tales of the Night Goblin’s insane strength.


Thick with glowing spores, the corridor air takes on the damp taste of mildew. Fungi of every shape and size line the walls and floor where greedy greenskin hands have not yet reached. Numerous Goblins share the task of harvesting, sorting and carting the precious mushrooms down to where Fibrig the Brewer prepares his special draughts. The cream of the crop is then handed over to the Masta Mixa for use in his experiments.


An undescribable smell greets those adventurous enough to make their way down the slime encrusted corridor leading to the Squig Nursery. Even the most hardened of adventurer has found themselves losing not only their stomach contents but stomachs themselves in quite short order. No one is really certain how squigs come into being (and no one has been willing to hang around long enough to find out thus far), but here in the slime festooned chamber of the squig nursery, Glomph the Squig Herder makes it his business to poke, prod and bludgeon his sporeling charges into vicious bounding mounts for the Redeye tribe.


The Redeye tribe takes up much of the heart of Gunbad. Clumsily erected watchtowers lean out over the abyss, commanding awe inspiring views of their fellow greenskins and a yawning inky blackness. Occasionally a smaller Goblin is “overcome” by curiosity and punted into the darkness by his patrol. The milling chaos can be misleading however, upon the recognition of a common
enemy the entire tribe boils forth from behind their wooden palisades; a storm of angry ants armed with crude pointed weapons and having absolutely no compunction against using teeth. A perfectly acceptable tactic is to gnaw off the feet of an enemy as it saves more for later.


Shudders trace their way up the winding corridors of Mount Gunbad, feigning seismic events. It is only when the bellows begin that one begins to understand: something lurks at the roots of Mount Gunbad. A creature so fierce and powerful that its frustrations shake the mountain itself. Something ‘ard to feed.


Deceived Souls: At 80% (and every 20% threshold) she releases 6 Deceived Souls to aid her fight.
Soul Turn: At 30% and 10% if the souls are still alive, they turn on her in her weakened state.
Soul Death: At 25% and 5% she will kill the souls attacking her.
Arathremia’s Slumber: Places a random target into a sleeping state for up to 6 seconds.

Ard ta Feed

Gate Close: When players engage Ard ta Feed the gate will close behind them.
Corrosive Vomit: A cone damaging attack with damage over time.
Slimy Vomit: A cone damaging attack with a movement snare.
‘ard Stomp: Knockback which snares players for 15 seconds and throws player back a large distance.
Spit Bomb: Switches to second head and begins using spit attack.
Cavern Quake :The cavern shakes, stallagtites fall and damage players every 20 seconds.
Enrage : The mourkain pillar lights up and he gains an Enrage for 20 seconds.

Elder Kizzig

Forceful Stab :Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Deals heavy damage to his main target
Whirl an’ Twirl: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 10 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Deals moderate damage to all nearby targets.
Snotling Affinity: Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: N/A, Activation Time: Instant,Duration: 20 Seconds Deals 75% more damage in theevent that Chipfang da Lit’l dies.

Foul Mouf da Ungry

Chomp: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Deals heavy damage to its main target.
Grotesque Belch: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 30 Seconds, Deals heavy damage to all opponents within 100 feet.
Foul Wound: Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 30 – 60 Seconds, Activation Time: 3 Seconds, Duration: 8 Seconds, Places an Ailment on all nearby opponents that lasts for 8 seconds. If left untreated, the wound causes Pestilent Crawlers to burst forth and attack the warband.

Garrolath da Pozbearer

Gore: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Deals heavy damage to its main target.
Headbutt: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 15 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Deals heavy damage to its main target and knocks him or her back a moderate distance.

Glomp da Squig Masta

Expert Shot: Glomp da Squig Masta is an expert in ranged attacks in and out of melee range. He will attack players even if they hide behind collision
Massive Arrow Attack: He will occasionally disengage from the main target, face a new target and fire a conical arrow attack that is represented by a massive green bolt. Once this is done
he will re-engage his prior target.
Teleport: Once Glomp Da Squig Masta reaches 80% health he will teleport himself up to one of the three platforms andbecome invulnerable.
Skewerin’ Squigs: Approximately five seconds after teleportation and Glomp da Squig Masta will then release the Skewerin’ Squigs to attack the players.
Acidic Muck: Every 10 seconds while on a platform, Glomp da Squig Masta will fififi re a slow-moving, green arrow. Upon impact on the player target, the arrow will burst into a pool of
acidic muck, causing damage to any player standing atop it. This pool of muck will remain for the full duration of the fififi ght. Basically the longer the players take to kill the Squigs off, the less ground they have to safely maneuver around.
Stinkspewin’ Squig: Approximately five seconds after teleportation and Glomp da Squig Masta will then release the Stinkspewin’ Squigs to attack the players.
Spikestabbin’ Squig: Approximately fifi ve seconds after teleportation and Glomp da Squig Masta will then release the Spikestabbin’ Squigs to attack the players
Warchargin’ Squig:Glomp da Squig Masta then appears to be a Warchargin’ Squig as he gains new abilities. His specialized ability is “Smash‘Em‘Ard!”which he channels a PBAE damaging ability, causing the ground to shack and dust to rise up.

Griblik da Stinka

Chomp Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Activation Time:Instant, Deals heavy damage to its main target.
Vile Vomit Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Duration: 10 Seconds, Deals heavy damage to its main target and moderate damage over time to all nearby frontal opponents.

Herald of Solithex

Sweeping Strike: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Deals heavy damage to all nearby, frontal opponents.
Mourkain Rift: Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 30 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Duration: 120 Seconds, Places a rift on the ground at a random target’s location which deals moderate damage to all nearby opponents.
Frozen Touch: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 10 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Duration: 5 Seconds, Deals moderate damage to all nearby, front opponents and reduces all healing effects cast upon afflicted targets by 25%.

Masta Mixa

Whirlin’ Brain Bursta: AOE Damage, Only occurs when he is wielding his staffffffffffff
Jar of Pummeling: AOE Damage, Occurs over a randomly-selected player, Effect lasts for approximately 60 seconds, Fists of Gork pummel the location where the damage is being dealt,
Unkillable, but avoidable by simply repositioning oneself.
Gitzappa da Stick: Single Target Disable, Occurs on a randomly-selected player, Effect lasts for approximately 60 seconds (unless the staffffffffff is killed).

Masta Wrangla Glix

Troll Assault: During the fight he will spawn young Trolls that will assault the players for a random time period between 30 – 60 seconds. They are Core-cons.
Adult Trolls: If a young Troll is not killed within that timer, then it will burst into a full adult Troll.

Redeye Big Oaf

Wide Swing: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Deals heavy damage to all nearby, frontal opponents.
Leave Me Alone: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 30 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Smashes the ground causing moderate damage and knocks up all nearby opponents.

Velkyrrix & Blaz da Trainin’ Masta

Venom Cloud: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 30 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Deals heavy damage to all players within 100 feet.
Stabbity: Cost: 100 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Activation Time: Instant, Deals heavy damage to his main target.

Wight Lord Solirthx

Spawn of the Deceiver: At every 10% threshold he will stun players, teleport to area center and call down 6 Spawn of the Deceiver toaid his fifi ght.
Consume Soul: Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 30 Seconds, Duration: 10 Seconds, Activation: Instance, Chooses his second most-hated opponent, disables and places him or her within a dome of
cursed energies which causes significant amounts of damage. Party members may destroy the dome from outside to halt this effect.
Vampiric Shadows: Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 60 Seconds, Duration: 10 Seconds (Channeled), Activation: 3 Seconds, A channeled abilityover the next 10 seconds which causes the caster of this
ability will deal point-blank damage to all nearby opponents and heal the caster for all damage done in this manner. The caster may not take any action while underthese effects.
Guise of Deception: Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 30 Seconds, Duration: 6 Seconds, Activation: Instant, Places a Curse on a random opponent which, after 6 seconds, causes the afflicted to burst with wicked energies. The afflicted, and all nearby allies, take significant damage and are launched into the air.
Mourkain Rift: Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 60 Seconds, Duration: 120 Seconds, Activation: Instant, Places a rift on the ground at a random target’s location which deals moderate damage to all nearby opponents.
Whispering Shadows: Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 60 Seconds, Duration: N/A, Activation: 1 Second, Increases the casters movement speed by 100% and causes the caster to attack a target at random after dealing any melee damage.
Massive Cleave: Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Duration: N/A, Activation: Instant, Deals heavy damage to the caster’s main target.Bone Shredder Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Duration: N/A, Activation:Instant, Deals moderate damage to all targets nearby the caster.

Bone Shredder Cost: 0 AP, Cooldown: 5 Seconds, Duration: N/A, Activation: Instant, Deals moderate damage to all targets nearby the caster.


Return of Reckoning is constantly updated and to maintain its originality as well as to provide new challenges to the player. If some of the above information is changed please let us know to adjust it. We try and keep it as updated as possible!

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