Hey guys and welcome to another game review with Fixxer on FixxerTV. Today we’re gonna be looking at Grime. So let’s see what they say on Steam first. First of all, let me tell you this game on Steam has very positive reviews and was released on the second of August of 2021. So the description we see on Steam shows us the basics of what we should expect on this game. So let’s have a look at that first.

Grime is a fast unforgiving action adventure RPG in which you will crush your foes with living weapons that mutate form and function and then consume the remains with a black hole to strengthen your vessel. As you break apart a world of anatomical horror and intrigue. This game offers features of  eye-popping surrealism while you will uncover mysterious secrets in weeping caves and face covered desserts.

On your journeys you will meet otherworldly creatures and characters in distinct civilizations across an organic interconnected world. You will also experience death defying combat where you can punish your enemies by parrying their attacks, smash them from the ground or even airborne and absorb them to grow your strength. As you wage war on the living world, you will be able to use living weapons seamlessly swap weapons made of living creatures that mutate during combat.

As you move through the world, you will be able to acquire unique skills, you will have to hunt down and absorb challenging monsters and menacing bosses. I have to say it does sound like a very interesting game. I’ve been  playing it and streaming it on Twitch. And it is a very interesting game. It is a very challenging game. It is a game that you will either love or hate. All the above that we just read from Steam, advertisement and marketing, they’re all true. Every single one of them is true from the  eye-popping surrealism, the living weapons, the mutating weapons, character e.t.c. The gameplay is really good, the control reaction is very good. There’s no lag or any delays.

And for those of you that are a fan of Dark Souls, this will bring you a lot of those vibes in there. When it comes into combat, you have to really time your parry, which is a bit of a problem for me because I don’t have those reflexes.

You have to time your attacks, especially your heavy attacks. If you don’t time them right by the time you lift your weapon, your chance to hit the enemy is slim, and if they already hit you you get stunned, and you die. Dying is also annoying in this game because you always start on the last save point, which you have to find by activating specific crystals, in order to have that spawn point. You could be 10 minutes ahead and you haven’t found another crystal, you go 10 minutes back, you have to run again. It is a hardcore game for me, for an average player.

But it is a fun game, it is refreshing to see that it’s not as easy as other games, that you can progress through the world in three hours, and it’s done. It is nice to see that a game is pushing you to develop your player skills, your reactions, your thinking, there’s no map, unless you uncover it. There’s no overlay, there’s no mini map. You have to train your memory and your direction skills. It is a refreshing game. Difficult, but refreshing.

So I’m definitely going to give this game a 7/10 because I do love the graphics, I like the style, the idea, the control responses, and the fact that it’s not easy. For the amount of money you’re going to spend on Steam or Epic Games to buy this one, you definitely are not wasting your money. However, I would like to point out again, that you’re either going to love this game or you’re going to hate it. There’s no in between with this one.

I’ve watched a lot of people play it on streams and a lot of them rage quit, including myself sometimes. But if you do love a challenging game, this is a game for you.

So if you guys get to play this game, you decide to have a look at it, as always, please let me know what you think about it. It’s always nice to know what you guys think about games. So as always, on the bottom of this post, you will find a link but this time two links one for Epic Games and you can also use my code FIXXERTV to help the channel grow a little bit or if you’re a steam fan, there is a link for you there as well.


Grime On Steam

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