Location: Chaos Wastes | Ranks: 36-40
Type: 6-Player, Open PVE/PVP | Key Loot: Beastlord Gear

Quest Information

Order Quest Giver:Wild Jade Wizard| Chaos Wastes| Chapter:  22

Destruction Quest Giver: Brolgr | Chaos Waste | Chapter:  15

Boss Location:Chaos Wastes| RvR area north of Thaugamond Massif

Gear Vendor:Ellyrion Herdmaster (near the mount vendor)

Destruction Gear Vendor: Druchii Beastmaster – Inevitable City (near mount vendors)

General Set Up

If you want to be efficient and fast on this line of quests, then make sure that your main tank has a 0% chance to be criticaly hit. Try and get a healer with an AOE cleanse in your group to make things easier. An off tank is always needed as in most PVE aspects. In theses bosses mainly for guarding the main tank and split damage but also fro teh occesionaal mob spawning.

Main tanks should ALWAYS  hae slotted the menace tactic to keep aggro at max at all times.


Pull the boss through the back of the bramble next to the big vine. This will give you a better possitioning.  During the fight when the boss says “my seeds take root” you must taunt the boss or it will heal massivly. Next,when she says the word “succumb” knock the boss  down or it will AOE and one shot your tank… heals and ranged stay on the hill to avoid aoe.

NOTE:If you go a boss and the boss is down, don’t worry. Simply target the boss and check for a buff below his healthbar. The respawn timer is the time on this buff.

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