General Professions Principles

You can interact with all of the gathering and crafting professions, and while you are using a profession, not only do you get the relevant profession XP you also get character XP

Professions have two ways in how you can progress in them:

  • Mastery levels (each profession has 3 of these levels and you might potentially get titles from this):
    • Beginner
    • Advanced
    • Master
  • Efficiency

You can only gather the best resources and craft the best items, if you focus on 1 gathering profession and 1 crafting profession. This is where efficiency comes in.

The more you use ONE profession, the more you increase its efficiency and the better you become at said profession, but you will reduce the efficiency of the profession in the same category that has not been used for the longest time that has efficiency above 0%.

Efficiency will only increase if:

  • Gathering: When you gather a resources corresponding to your current mastery level for the profession, or higher.
  • Crafting: When you craft an item that has a gear score high enough for the current mastery level of the relevant profession.

You will have to keep in mind that if you maxed a profession and you want to level up another one, it will be harder for you to then come back to our original profession, since you will have to gather rarer resources or craft higher level items to increase the efficiency of the profession.

The player receives various bonuses and perks for mastery levels and increasing the efficiency of a profession.

Gathering Professions Principles


A gathering node may have a vast range of resources, from the most common to the extremely rare.

  • In general, gathering resources functions as follows:
  • Locate resource and begin gathering process, this will make a general progress bar appear at the bottom of your screen;
  • There are two types of progress bars. The general progress bar, and the resource specific progress bar.
  • While the general bar is progressing the player has a chance at collecting a variety of materials
  • If a resource is found, you will get an audio notification and the resource specific bar will appear, at the same progress level as the original generaL bar.
  • The resource specific bar needs to fully finish for you to get the resource you found.
  • The resource specific bar has a small chance of failing, making you lose the resource.
  • After the resource specific bar finishes, a new general bar will start filling up.
  • Repeat until the gathering node is finished.

A higher mastery level opens up opportunities to:

  • Unlock and gather high-level resource nodes
  • Add additional searches/uses to the relevant nodes
  • Ups the overall chance of finding a resource

Higher efficiency provides you with:

  • Higher chance of finding a rarer resource
  • Reduce the chance of failing the collection of a resource

 It is important to note that resources can be obtained not only by gathering. Chests, enemy corpses, abandoned houses, points of interest – any type of activity allows you to mine various loot, rare items, skins, consumables and resources. However, gathering is the most effective way to extract resources.

Crafting Professions Principles

Majority of the items you can craft follow the same principles:

  • Items follow a tier system
  • Items also have a quality system (common, uncommon, rare, epic). (Eventually Legendries, but we will not be discussing these here as no details were given on this)

Almost all items are crafted using the same basic principle:

  • A tier 1 item is crafted first, using looted resources.
  • In order to craft tier 2 or higher, the players has to use items from the previous tiers plus additional rare resources that the respective recipe requires.
  • Items (not materials/resources) need to be of at least uncommon quality to be used in the crafting process.
  • To craft an item you need to use the appropriate crafting workstation for what profession you are trying to use, have the required recipe for the item, and the required amount of resources the recipe needs.
  • A new crafted item will usually default to being of common quality
  • There is always the chance of crafting an item of a higher quality than the one in the recipe you are using.
  • To craft certain items with higher gear score, you will require the maximum level of efficiency.

 Each Crafting profession provides a unique bonus to the player that affects gameplay.

after reaching level 40, these bonuses are only active if you have 100% efficiency on the respective profession

Some items, like campfires, can be crafted without the use of a workbench.


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